Saturday, May 23, 2009

We love Firman!

So Dblo was good, but Rebel was better! We spoke to Dinesh, made friends with more of Clinton's crew, and on Thursday I gave D and Nazim a lift home. D is friggin adorable with those sepet eyes and that cheeky smile. Takleh angs.
We were having supper at Mac's and this guy would not quit staring. When he left, he waved and I waved back. He asked for my number but I politely declined. So he came back in and gave me two numbers, his and his friends. Klakar kan?
Both Dayahs were at store yesterday, so cool!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

For here iced cup

For here iced cup
Originally uploaded by norainne.

I'm back after literal months! I know, right? But I don't have much to say, really. I had a nice attachment shift the other night at Fusionopolis, which has the most adorable plastic for here iced cups. Sungguh loves!

Today I have an unexpectedly free day, but I don't have any money to do anything with it, so I'm listening to F&F4 songs online while waiting for nightfall.

My dad got me the C905, which is like a better version of my K800i, so life rocks in 8.1 megapixels, and Wi-Fi, both of which were used in bringing this photo online. Haha.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Hello once more!

I am back! Hehe. I have a new phone now so it's much easier to upload photos and shit. Yey.

Pole Practice – The Evolution

 I love going for pole prac because it gives my brain and body the time to process whatever I’d learned in class. Class moments are always s...