Saturday, September 30, 2006

hihi! work was tiring, work was great, after work i sat around outside and watched a bunch of skaterboi mats doing their thing outside Hermes. hahaha. i love people-watching, and when you get to work AND people-watch at the same time, you know you have a great job.

oh it seems my lifebookblood, my beloved Yam, isn't dead after all. laptop guy called earlier, said it's ready for collection. yay! i miss my baby soooooo much. too bad now i have to wait for monday baru bole collect.

sorry blogposts are short and slenger, PENAT AH. got home at 2-plus, thanks to company cab. haha. and will be going out again later. aku giler. so much for mid-sem break la.

Friday, September 29, 2006

well. i went to school this afternoon, to find that the path to the physical chem lab was blocked by construction works. not wanting to battle with the bangla workers in my current state of dress, i decided to just skip handing in the lab report ENTIRELY.

so i dropped by YIH to send my laptop for servicing. balls betul, i really don't think there's any hope for it.

i met hanom after that, and we sort of hung around bugis doing NOTHING for about three hours before finally going to BC for buka. haha. so much for, what if takder tempat duduk?

then i met up with dodol, after waiting a record TWO HOURS, and we hung around starbucks till closing.

bumped into sala on the bus home! so cool.

ooh and i kickstarted my MTP [Muslimin Tak Puasa] hunt with nine winners today! five of them were just spotted smoking la. of the four remaining, three were cute rider mats at tong seng. haha.

i know, i have no life!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

haven't been wanting to update cos of shitty things that have been happening in my life. but if you insist..

work's been alright. haha. duh, i mean, i'm still training what. ooooh but UK/HM is sooooo cute and funny laaaa. and when he tinggikan suara dia, God i just want to stab myself. nasib baik takder knife handy. but my favourite's still hady-lookalike la, i mean, he's perfect in every way! and he has such a pleasant face, it brings you nothing but happiness to look at it.

on tuesday i did frap for the first time. God i was macam, horrible. dahlah lembab macam pompan, buat salah-salah, and you know, i was just terkial-kial. plus i was macam laughing like a hyena for some reason. nasib baik, you know, tuesday evening crowd. anyway, more or less got the hang of it in the end, which i'm very proud of. still slow la. but well. time will tell.

oooh and with nat's help, i made my very own espresso drink! yay! [okay i know i already did that in Art of Espresso, but this is different!] i put hazelnut syrup, and added cinnamon powder on top, and made a great-tasting latte! <3!

loves cinnamon.

and loving the cute customers! but i don't think i can start the CCD thing again, pasal you know, momentary interactions je. but yea there were a couple of cute mats, one who looked manjen! besnyer. nak lagikkk.

well yeah basically that's as much as i've been doing, besides sleeping around the house. seriously. i've been sleeping SOOOO much that even though i eat only twice a day, i'm prolly gonna gain weight anyway this week. BODOH.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

so i reached home at around 515, and promptly fell asleep at 530, waking up only at 1245. midnight. that's how tired i am.

nolah, it's not from work or anything. i mean, not entirely, anyway. it's just been a horrible past couple of days. work today was slack, if anything. i just sat around eating markout items, mostly. and, of course, UK was working, yay! i totally <3 him, he's so funny and cute! as i was leaving he said, "balik kak? ah balik terus tu! besok dah puasa!" TOO cute.

dropped by borders for some reading material, where i saw that hot borders guy. i swear he is so hot. okay fine, so he's prolly 25 and above, but STILL. he's very good-looking!

in other news, i passed the physical chem test. haha. will prolly fail the anat chem test though, seeing as i was falling asleep during that time. literally.

and as for inorg chem..

see, AFTER the test, nat and i were sitting at the steps, hanging out before the next lecture and basically sort-of waiting to watch lonerguy ride off. but he went in the direction of the library instead, and soon it was 545 and we had to go for lecture. so we got up and left la. as we were walking, we came face-to-face with the very person we'd been waiting for! well aku macam stared at him, and was halfway through the usual motions of ignoring him and walking away, when he suddenly smiled at me. and it wasn't one of those closed-mouth smileys, it was a huge toothy smile! i was just SO shocked, my returning smile was a very constipated and slengerbach one.

[and then, you know, he glanced behind him and i realised that his tiny minah girlfriend was trailing after him. grr.]

but mostly, terharu and gratified that he KNOWS me.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

slightly overdue photos, but who cares, right?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

plus, i linked the Smocha photo album on the right. for the uninformed, Smocha is this inside joke from classroom training, and i've been using that term to refer to anything related to those three blissful days i enjoyed at the eighth floor, GB Building.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

okay, i suppose it's time to blog about nutz!!! before i start, i'd just like to disclaim that I gave him that name. cos i didn't. tak suker "Z"s at the end of a word, remember?

anyway cerita lama. back to nutz. i had training on thursday night. kinda nervous, plus i looked so bloody slenger in my white shirt and black pants and MUDDY black shoes [my brother's, not mine]. i wasn't the first to arrive, surprisingly. the honour went to this adorable malay boy, deeply tanned with soft-looking straight hair and almost-sepet eyes. he even has a cute name to go along with it. and he's an ITE grad, i think.

by the time they moved us to the appropriate room, there was only three of us STILL. we sat pretty far away from each other. and i was sitting nearest the door, so NO ONE sat next to me at first. which made me sad, until the cutest guy came in and sat next to me!!! YAYYY. no i swear. he IS cute. macam, universally cute, and no one can argue with me on that. and he's completely extroverted and brimming over with merepek ideas, jokes and comments. i'm gonna call him nutz because that was the name he wrote on his BLG.

he did SO many cute things, if i documented them all, this would turn into a full-length thesis. so i'll just mention the one that struck me the most.

see, we were setting out ground rules at the start of the class. you know, stuff like "no handphones" and "have fun" [afiq's favourite phrase!]. so anyway, nutz went, "NO SMOKE BREAK!" and i was like thinking, dekni cam betul je, padahal aku bet dier smoke. so i asked him, "do YOU smoke?" and he turned to me, and i stared at his pink lips [they're pinker than mine!], and he said proudly, "no! i don't! haha. that's why i said that!"

alamak cutenyerrrr kan. i nearly dieddddd, he's too adorable.

oh and another time, the CLC was asking us to think of words that come to mind when we think of starbucks. so he was like muttering, "global" while everyone else threw out words. she didn't hear him the first time la, so i turned to him and asked, "maner kau nyer global?" and THAT was when she heard, so she looked at us and said, "yes, i heard 'global'?" and i was like, "oh, no, no, it's him.." and pointed to him, while he was pointing at ME and doing the same thing.

arghhhh terlalu cute laaaa. i'm melting right now, dier terlalu hebat!

well, takmo bore everyone [wait, a bit too late for that, innit?] so i'll stop there. today's lab was hebat, we ended at around 12, which made it effectively a two-hour-long experiment. baikkk ain. and the pyknometer we were using was soooo adorable la. it's so tiny [10-ml] and nicely shaped. i took a photo, but macam, it's quite a bad one cos my cameraphone sucks.

[can't wait for my sony ericsson cybershottttt.]

sejuk lah ini library. bye.

Monday, September 18, 2006

norainne nutz says:
okay, in order asked:
short, slim, dark, i find him cute but my mom hates him, JUST quit smoking
fifty two. says:
hey hey!!!! hello? thats like fazli?! short slim and dark

well you know, she's crazy.

i gotta get back to work/sleep now. lots going on this week, and i was complaining about not having enough time, when nat said that i'd have time next week, so i asked why, and when she looked at me with a -duh- look on her face,

i sheepishly asked, "oh, it's mid-sem break issit?"


Friday, September 15, 2006

nak terkencing [although i already peed less than an hour ago], and i'm supposed to be on my way to meet baba in about, oh, 20 seconds? but i just wanted to drop a note and say what a great time i had at training yesterday, no small thanks to nutz and his adorable non-smoker mannerisms.


i will update later k.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

it's raining outside now and just incredibly lovely cos i'm all cold and shivery and sleepy.


yarghhh. anyway First Impressions yesterday went pretty okay. Nat's right about Umar Kurus. haha. he's cute, great eyes, and if that's not enough for you, he quotes P. Ramlee, balls!

i was walking out of the back, and he was behind me, and suddenly launched into this monologue from Nujum Pa' Belalang, i think. i scampered off as quickly as i could, cos aku tanak terkencing of excitement infront of him.

he rawkkssss. plus i already saw him on friendster last year, haha!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

just felt like dropping a note, cos lecture ended early, and i have some time before lab starts.

ngantuk giler sey.

yesterday dodol's friend called about bike, but dodol REFUSED to give me his number, cos macam, he wants me to be careful and whatever merepek. seriously that guy. i can take care of myself, i think.


i wanna wear these shoes for my wedding!

[which could happen sooner than i think.]

Monday, September 11, 2006

i felt SOOOO bad for skipping anat tutorial this morning, but when i got to school they said that tutorial was cancelled after all! ha! nasib baik i didn't waste two precious hours of my life by attending it.

so guess who i bumped into when i was walking towards S8? 21 laaa!!! omg i so <3 him, he's adorableadorableadorable! i just walked as slowly as i could towards him, trying not to smile too much, nanti dier ingat aku giler kan. haha. too cute, and i recognised those sparkly eyes from 50 metres away.

DIER KENAL AKU BALLS! i'm so flattered! he's definitely gonna win something in the Ain Awards, just for knowing who i am. haha. [but i think he thinks i'm in arts, just like everyone else. takper 21, i forgive you. <3!]

actually despite the inactivity of this blog, my life's been quite, erm, exciting--if that's what you wanna call it. i don't think "exciting" covers it all, actually. but anyway. just gotta keep praying and trusting and maybe i'll find the right way.

anyway hanom, can't wait for bugiscafe. i need some normality, ASAP!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

so today was my celebratory fish & co makan-makan with nat. we went to the suntec city one, where there was this adorable guy with a funny voice, who was really incredibly friendly and attentive. i had the seafood platter again--my favourite cos you get the best of ALL worlds. ooh btw the place relocated to the ex-foodcourt or smthg, and it's soooo nice, all black-and-white tiles, sort of gives this 50s-diner feel, which i love. and at the bar, rows and rows of identical red bottles lining the shelves. lovelyyy.

anyway at the end of our meal, one of them came up to me and asked me to fill in some customer survey on a palmtop. the last question asked if we had anyone to commend. so, naturally, we wanted to put his name, cos he's cute, AND nice and friendly. but we didn't know his name! and the place was starting to fill up, so he was busy. after unsuccessfully trying to read his nametag for ten minutes, i pointedly stared at his nametag as he walked past. but you know, the glare and all. all i could see was an "A___". so i concluded it was his initials, AJ. and after he walked past a second time, nat decided it was AJ too.

me: you know, his name could be Ahmad Something.
nat: ... or you know, SEKALI nama dia Ali! haha padan muka kita.

i was getting frustrated, and unwilling to submit the wrong name. as luck would have it, he walked past me again. so i just blurted out, "sorry, what's your name?" and he was like, "oh.. Ali."

seKALI Ali daaaaa!!!

well u know, nat and i were macam blushing after that. so we left quickly.

anyway. i have some evidence that nat is really the Personal Shopper From Hell. she prolly earns 20% commission on whatever she makes me buy, which is why i've been buying things left and right whenever i'm with her.

1. topshop lido. i was checking out this pair of pumps that i think are really pretty. but u know, shoes don't usually come in my size. but then nat went, "oh look, this 7 looks quite big, just try la." so i sceptically tried on one side. and squealed in excitement as it turned out to fit! but i didn't buy it cos macam, wrong colour.

2. topshop wisma. yes they had those pumps in pink, and yes they had them in 7. so yes, i got them.

3. HMV citylink. nat wanted to go in and tgk2 some CDs, so we went in. to me, HMV = movies, so i made straight for the VCD rack. where i found about five movies i wanted to get, three of which i hadn't watched. takder duit though, so i settled for Alexander for $7.95.

4. topshop suntec. we were browsing through the sale racks. i found two corset tops which were to die for. and one was $42 and the other $40! and of course nat said, "beli then! of course before kau beli, kau kena try then!" unfortch, the prettier cream-coloured one with trimmings and little fine chains dangling, TAK MUAT around the stupid stomach although it menggelebehed a little around my boobs. so i got the green one with black lace. yay.

5. SaSa MSQ. nat wanted a new perfume. and i'd been searching for a miniature davidoff for travel. [travel! haha.] well i found it, so that's another seven bucks down the old toilet hole.

and the grand total comes up to... $133.95!!! have fun la kau ain.

Friday, September 08, 2006

i gave myself the morning off, and invented the concept of Emo MC. haha. anyway. there was a cute guy in the train! all cords and shoes and sweater, and CELAKED EYES! <3 too bad i was macam sleepy, so i had to make like a Sleeping Spinster again instead of checking him out. i hope i see him again though. i think he goes to MDIS cos he got off at queenstown. but then again, manerlah aku tahu ni semua.

my wmp was on random as usual, and i nearly died when it played Move Bitch, because forevermore, it'll hold shitty memories and horrible connotations for me.

on a less crappy note, one of the manjen dudes in philo tutorial is cute! love the tan.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

this morning was horrible cos i was SOOOO sleepy, i briefly flirted with the idea of skiving off school again. but i just dragged my ass off the bed anyway. cepat2 naik train, then i completely zonked out by simei. i tersadared around tanjong pagar or whatever merepek, to find that the guy sitting across me was staring at me! nasib baik aku cam ngantuk, so i just looked at him groggily and went back to sleep.

when i finally decided to wake up round redhill, he was still shooting glances at me and stuff. actually i thought he was kinda cute, although tua, so i just layan ah. then he macam, smiled at me, so i was like, oh okay, and i smiled back. then he took out his phone and started tapping it and raising his eyebrows at me.

so--omg DON'T hate me--i gave him my number. it was macam SO weird cos i had to form the numbers with my hands. mamPOS. so embarrassing la. thank God 80% of the people in the train were too wrapped up in their own lives to notice. haha.

and to cap it all off, when i was boarding the non-aircon 95 at the bus stop, i was macam merunguting to myself that it was non-aircon. but then i took a look at the driver, and it was the cute young one la! from the other day! i was SOOOO pleased! and he just rocks la, he was smiling at everyone who boarded the bus, i mean, how cool is that? then i had a look at his nametag and died, because his name is Mohd Rashid. not even "Rasid" or "Rasyid", but Rashid. asal niiii!!! i already said i'm not dating anyone with the same name as my dad kan!!! arghhh.

haha. kidding.

yesterday i had lunch/dinner with hanom and natasha at bugiscafe. by the time we were done, it was already seven so macam dah too late to go for lecture. so i joined them on their shopping trip. it was supposed to be natasha's shopping trip, actually, but while SHE bought ONE lipstick, hanom bought a top and a rantai, while I got a top, pink-and-black striped sleeves, and a pair of earrings! aku giler! why issit when people go shopping, i'm always the one yang keluar duit the most?

but anyway. my earrings are cute. one's a robot [don't care for that, actually] and the other's a motorbike!!! yay! wearing my allegiance on my ears! haha.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

i. am. starving. but kena tahan cos i don't wanna eat alone. haha.

anyway, guess who came for lect today, and wore the same colours as me? [no, not syaban!] haha. i was sooo pleasantly surprised. and his hair is macam so cute now. he looks like a budak-budak. so i was just happily listening in on his conversation with alfian. so fun.

lab wasn't shitty today, after all. i didn't even berpeluh, cos most of it was carried out in the airconditioned section. my lab partner is this really nice guy, budak science club, i think. and he doesn't make me feel stupid or lazy or whatever, so it was cool. we finished at about two, but then it turned out we didn't have enough data points or whatever merepek meraban. so we had to redo that part--BODOH. ohwell takper, i still finished at three anyways.

still lapar though. and hodoh. ohwell, might as well get started on my labreportS now.
so i finally finished the labreport, and guess what? it's only four pages long. i couldn't be bothered to write discussion panjang2, cos i had NO IDEA what to write about anyway.

so guess what happened at bugiscafe yesterday. hanom and i were semangatly mugging individually, when daniel [the kurus-er manager] came up to us where we were sitting.

i honestly thought he was about to halau us.

he said, "excuse me ladies.. before i forget, i'd [we'd?] like to give you these.."

and he handed us each a privilege card for 15% off ala carte items!!! i nearly died. we couldn't stop grinning, we were like SO happy. we totally rock la, i swear! and they love us, yay!

then elfie knocked off work and guess what he was wearing la! a white mickey mouse tshirt. nasib baik nat takder. she would have torn him to shreds. hahaa.

Monday, September 04, 2006

i'm SOOOO sleepy, i'm just about ready to die.

i got home at like 1 a.m. smalam. dropped by dayah's shop, then hung out with dodol at starbucks while waiting for six, which was supposed to be the time of the hot date. but he didn't call la! [which, btw, i was really pleased about.] so we went for dinner instead. and at 830, he called and asked, asal tak kluar ngan dier? and i'm like, hello, i was waiting for his call! and he was waiting for me to call, apparently. argh. apaperlah eh.

so it's supposed to be this wednesday instead. damn.

anyway then we watched Love Wrecked [his pick, not mine!], which is kinda funny, i grant, but macam, too surrealistic and inside-jokey for me. but you know, the male leads are hot so not really complaining. and at least it took my mind off sleepyeyes for awhile.

i am in such deep shit cos i still haven't done the lab report that was supposed to be in about eight hours ago.

but anyway, happy thoughts. i bumped into sleepyeyes at the library just now, and he was being adorably friendly as usual. thank God, at least it means that he does NOT pandang serong towards me after saturday night. haha.

plus, elfie is nice again today!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

nak gi motogp kat sepangggggggggggggg...

jorge's waiting for me laaaa!!!

okay anyway, yesterday ROCKED BALLS! *jumps around*

[nadia, for details, msg me.]

Saturday, September 02, 2006

according to atikk, i need to clarify the last entry, so let me just state here that i found the aforementioned pinching very disturbing. and not at all enjoyable.

moving on.

can't wait to get a bike! and idros is endlessly supportive about it, SO COOL. [he's also trying to set me up with one of his friends, but that's another story for another time.] except he says not to call him kalau break down kat tengah2 expressway or whatever. haha.

guess what, i still haven't completely decided what to wear. argh.

yesterday's long-awaited visit to bugiscafe was disappointing, to say the least. hanom and i had "CRUSHED" written all over our faces. but we're gonna give them two more chances. i really hope they redeem themselves. kalau tak we're gonna have to find a new hangout, and we really don't want to.


Pole Practice – The Evolution

 I love going for pole prac because it gives my brain and body the time to process whatever I’d learned in class. Class moments are always s...