Friday, November 21, 2008

Tiger, lion, both buas!

"John, you came late for your shift, you came back late from your break, you take fifteen minutes to do frap mix, and you STILL want to ask me for a cookie?"

I'm SO tired. Sometimes I feel like I'm not cut out for this kind of work. But when I see my bankfloat add up beautifully, or when I talk to Adib or Colin or Eril, or when I meet cute boys applying for a job, or even when I rescue Wenyong from a bar slam, I feel like I'm made for it.

The other reason I'm tired is because I went for another run [technically it's "jog", but "run" sounds cooler], baru ni, when I got back from work. I know it's three in the morning on a "malam Jumaat", but I wasn't scared at all. Until I was stretching afterwards, bending over to touch my toes over and over, and I was like, Shit, wasn't this scene in The Eye 10? Lepas tu I hurriedly left, before I could see anything.

Sorry aku giler.

But other than minor glitches at work, it was a terrific day. I came to work smiling, despite a certain blue KR I saw, three traffic lights away from work, and I was smiling most of the time. I even had the balls to say to a customer, "You have really nice eyes. Like, really nice!" And he was smokinnnn' hot.

I suppose the reason I was in a good mood was because of last night. I managed to borrow the car again [pushing my luck, that one. But I'll be really busy next week anyway!], so I drove down to store, did some ordering, hung out with the Yazid gang, and then went to Le Noir with the girls after closing. The girls = Von, Chris, Has, Rose. By the time we got to Le Noir, we were practically the only ones there. Besides the regulars, of course.

Chris [the manager] was there, and he greeted me macam kawan lama gitu, which I totally appreciate cos it totally set me at ease. Tiger was looking hot as usual, hehe. And my friends agreed that he looked muscular rather than fat, but of course he doesn't wanna believe ALL of us. He also refused a lift home from me, sedih. He keeps saying "Next time" but I think I know the real reason he keeps declining.

While waiting for him to finish closing, Has, Rose and I went to The Arena. We bumped into Alex, again. He offered to buy us drinks, but I declined, of course. I didn't even want a fruit punch because I'd already had two at Le Noir and my throat was starting to give me warning signs. Alex is really friendly and generous, but he was totally cramping my style! There was a bunch of cute mats I was eyeing, but I bet once they saw Alex talking to us they gave up! BODOH. Haha. Ohwells. Not meant to be?

After that I went back to Le Noir, and waited for Tiger's dad to arrive. He's so cute. And hot. And it makes me so happy to be around him. :D

Monday, November 17, 2008

I COMPLETELY and UTTERLY forgot about the Ain Awards this year, and no one bothered to remind me! Some friends! Now I'm nearly a month overdue, and there's not even been any hype or publicity about this. BAH. Okay sorry aku giler.

The Hitlist
1. Tiger
2. Yummy Arms
3. Gab
4. Faz
5. Juju
6. Wawan
7. Barak
8. Ims
9. Zul
10. Telefon
11. Alfie
12. Adib
13. Firdaus
14. Eril
15. Irish Creme Guy
16. New Loner Guy

Most Perfect
New Loner Guy

This one has gotta be Adib, hands-down. The utter hotness of him is mind-boggling. He's Malay with exotic looks, great hair, great skin, great bod.. Speaks well.. Dresses even better.. Need I say more?

Most Missed
Irish Creme Guy

It's a tough fight between Tiger and Irish Creme Guy, but I'd have to irrationally say Tiger. Even though it's only been less than a week since I last saw his face.

Most Charming

Uhhh.. Well I'd have to say Juju cos he has a funny way of making sure I never stay mad at him for too long.

Cutest [Little Boy]

Alamak this is macam so obvious. It's gotta be Faz with his big hands and big calves and big butt and megawatt smile and endless library of funny faces and pouts!

Cutest [Model]
Yummy Arms

Siapa nak menang this one? I can't decide, I really can't. It's viewer's choice! I'll survey my friends but conclude this at a tie for now.


People are gonna disagree with me here, but I'll have to say it's Ims pasal I was captured by his amazing baik-looking smile the moment I set my eyes on him. Yey Ims!


The nicest of the lot has to be Barak, because he's sooooo handsome yet he talked conversationally to me anyway. Yey Barak!

Current Favourite

I would have to say this is quite obvious, and orang bodoh pun will know who the winner of this category is. It is, of course, without a doubt, my beloved Tiger!!!

Subsidiary Awards:

Okay, first up, we have the James Bond Revolver which goes to the hottest old guy! It's been jointly awarded to 27-year-old Yummy Arms and 30-year-old Gab, for being the hottest abang-abangs I've seen in forever! Woohoo!

Next, the Justin Timberlake Fedora is awarded to Eril, only the cutest guy I've ever seen don that topi in my whole career at Starbucks! Haha.

I have the Christina Award, awarded only to the rarest of the rare. Very few manjen guys make the cut to look like a Malay dude while retaining his unique identity, so Irish Creme Guy is the winner with his delicious tan, biteable body, and adorable tiny eyes!

Finally, but no less important an honour, I have the Superboy Cape, awarded to the guy who can blend irresistible kiddy charm with just the right amount of mature manliness! It goes to Mr. Crinkly Eyes himself, Firdaus!

Woohoo! Awards are over! Let's hit the after-party! Okay aku giler. Hope everyone enjoyed this, because I managed to spit it out through sleepy blackened eyes that have only had one hour of sleep. :P
Went shopping with Christina and Diana on Saturday. Actually there was supposed to be more of us--Tasha, Vonne, Rose, Has, etc. But they were busy, working, and/or sick. So it was just the three of us. Diana was our stand-in boyfriend, carrying all our shopping bags with nary a complaint.

I bought two t-shirts--Batgirl riding a bike, and Superman accompanying the words "I love goodies". HAHA. I guess I have something for superheroes or whatever. But the Batgirl t-shirt means a lot to me. It reminds me of my favourite crush, Allif, because he wrote in my autograph book as Batman in primary six. She's riding a bike, which is totally me. And there are accents of pink hearts and purple strokes. My favourite colours! I love that t-shirt, I do.

I also got this adorable translucent black top with a lace panel at Topshop. I'm saving that for a hot date or something. HAHA. Yes, aku giler. That might be next year or something, if I'm lucky. Ohwells. Almost got sluardalams too, but I decided I'd spent enough. Also, on some impulse shit, I got this adorable purse made of an audio cassette tape. CUTE! It hardly fits my phone, though.

Finally, I tried Borders for the latest MHC, Where Are You Now? but tak kelihatan langsung! What an appropriate title. So I got a Madeleine Wickham instead, Gatecrasher. Madeleine is also known as my beloved Sophie Kinsella, you see. I can't wait to devour that book. But my next off is only on Wednesday. Takper. Pelan-pelan kayuh.

I'm selubung-ed like some loser here at store. Pasal si manager aku is late, thinking that we start at two when it was SHE who set our meeting for ten! Ohwell. Takper. It could have been worse. It could always have been worse. At least I've got Khai's laptop to amuse myself with while waiting.

Yesterday I was sufficiently sad because of, ohwell, kalau kau tahu, kau tahulah. Just understand I was sad yesterday night. I was using the laptop again last night at store pasal malas nak balik so early, then Gab came in. Dunno what kind of Gatal Gene took control of me, I said to him in my "Ow sakit" voice, "Gab, bila nak hang outttt..??" At first he told me to join him outside with his usual drink, then he said, "Next time I'm on MC I'll msg you.."

Well I did hang out with him outside anyway. I AM gonna die of lung cancer someday, with all these smoking friends of mine. Yeah I just sat there for an hour, listening to his nonsense. He's funny. And merepek. And he sounds amazingly matrip at times, I almost gasped in horror. And he may look quiet but he's not! He talks five words to one of mine.

I dropped by Clarke Quay that night with Nazeera and Addynna. But. Hajat tak tercapai. I miss him. And you know me and my escapist themes. Instead of going home to wallow in sorrow, I texted Gab and decided to meet him instead. At JALAN BAHAR. Remember where I live, my friends? I got lost balls. I pusing-pusing like three or four times around the area. It's all interconnected, it appears, but I'm not sure how. As in, he actually doesn't live that far away from Shafa, Atikk and JJC. All three places of which I've been to before. But entah. When you say "Jalan Bahar" it just sounds super-far to me.

Well it was fun. Mostly we just sat in the car, or at the open space, and talked. While drinking my apple and aloe vera. Which he hates. And. He. REFUSES. To tell me his real name! BAH.

Got home late, of course. And I only had one hour of sleep before I trudged reluctantly to store. And here I am, my friends. Alone and YZ-less!

With respect to Hot Guy, I admit I like him. I add the disclaimer that I don't know if this is a lasting "like". But whatever it is, I don't expect him to like me back. It would be a nice bonus, of course. But it's not a requirement. I'm really just content to like him from where I am, and if I can get more kisses and bites and pinches and sniffs, cool! Anyways. As of last night, I've done all I can do. So all that's left for me to do now is sit back and wait.

Sorry long post. In the words of one of my favourite cute guys, I'm done for now.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Different eyes now.

Ever since the promotion [which I have yet to tell my parents about], I have to view things differently at work. No more punch-in-go-bussing. No more sitting around on tong sampahs during lull periods. No more being stuck at POS or bar for hours and hours on end. The work's not all roses. In fact, it's really hard! But it's a different kind of challenge from what I'm used to.

It's a lot of fun though, this learning process. Filing is fun, KPI is fun, cash management is fun! Settlements, jangan cakap! It's a colourful roller coaster ride, all of this, and I'm enjoying every minute, even though I may not look it. I still find myself stuck in between the position of "partner" and "manager" though, wanting to manage the responsibilities of both positions, and it can get really confusing.

Gab was at store today, on MC for "sakit hati", in his words. I was talking to him while he was still at POS, and then I asked Mima, "What do you want me to do?" I heard her reply, "Float dulu.." but she was saying, "Flirt dulu.." !!!

Also, I was talking to one of Yazid's gang, the dude with the crinkly eyes that Rudy has. I thought I was just being plain ol' friendly, but then Mima came out and gave me that Look, and accused me of flirting again. I was not! Yes, I was macam leaning against the handoff plane, but it was totally unconscious, I swear!

And half an hour later she caught me doing it again with Gab, who was in for his second cup.

I think she finds it amusing, because when we first met, she thought I was one of those Untouchable people, like someone who doesn't really give a damn about anyone else. So she didn't expect me to be one of those dodos who goes crazy over cute guys.

And tonight there were loads of them. Hehe.

chris dayah has has me dayah

Ending off with pics of the first night at Le Noir.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Work was a little bit of a dream yesterday. Because one of the regular cute guys walked in, and I was at POS as usual. I'm trying more actively to talk to the customers [cute or otherwise], so I offered him the samples of White Forest Cake I'd cut earlier, and he happily took one, and enjoyed it. So after he ordered he kinda lingered at the counter, so I decided to talk to him some more.

Kental: "So do you work around here? I see you quite often.."
Handsome: "Oh no, I don't.. And I don't even live nearby..!" *laughs*
K: [I wanted to ask, "So where do you stay?" but malu.] "Ohh.. Okay.."
H: "Yeah but my friend works around here.."
K: "Oh, so it's convenient for your friend huh.." [Feeling sedih cos I assumed "friend" was a girl.]

Okay, here we are, talking about inane topics, and yet, and yet, my face is turning resolutely, and rapidly, RED! MALU GILSSSS. And then YZ even interrupts, to instruct me to collect the application form from some Pinoy lady. But my face remains stuck at Stubborn Red.

H: "Anyway I see you working a lot too, so what's your name?"
K: "Oh.. It's Ain.. What's yours?"
H: "Barak.."
K: bimbo-ly "Oh, like in Obama?"
And he laughed and we talked about the elections for awhile. Then he got his drink and as he left, he smiled at me and said, "Bye Ain!"


Okay whatever Ain, maybe he was just being friendly. Kau giler Ain. You're just asking for one tight slap.

Next, Chris and I were bored, so we trawled the club circuit [on bike]. There was nothing much, it being a Wednesday with no MOS and all. So we walked around instead. It was so sad, walking past my beloved MOS and reading the sign "MOS has left the building". Almost cried, I did. We bought some drinks and sat by the steps to the river in front of the The Central and talked. After that, we went to Mac's for hashbrowns and more drinks.

The moment we sat down, heads turned. Then this Shermeen-like girl came up to us, armed with a handphone, "Sorry.. My friend want your number.." So I asked, Chris or mine? And the girl said mine. So I obliged. Told her my name's Nora, which I've been wanting to do like, in forever. Two mats sitting on the other side shouted to "Shermeen"'s gang, "Eh, cermin mata! Cermin mata!" referring to Chris, I suppose.

Next, the mats, seeing the helmets, asked for a lift or some shit la. Then they did that phone-call signal and I said, "Datang sini ah!" One of them obliged, but close to, I realised that he has funny girly eyes. Haha. But since dier dah mintak, we just gave him our numbers. Again, I was Nora. Haha. It was funny, him calling me Nora.

Lastly, we were walking to the carpark and there were two mats crossing the road to the same carpark. One short one cute. We all happened to reach the carpark at the same time, and Short Mat stared at me as I walked to Baby. So I gave him a friendly smile. And he immediately said to his friend, and the entire carpark at large, "Eh kau balik sorang ah, aku tumpang dier.." Haha. Cute Mat was riding this orange Gilera Chris had admired earlier. So I told her, why don't we switch? Haha. There were two drunk losers at the carpark entrance, and we were fussing about them, so Cute Mat said to me, "Kau langgar satu, aku langgar satu.." While Short Mat said, "Bawak pelan-pelan eh.."

We left. But not quickly enough to miss the altercation between the two mats and the drunk losers. I was so worried, I turned back but they were gone by then. I hope you're okay, Cute Mat!

Lord that was long. Okay bye!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Night Safari

Shups, Kent, Shermeen and I went to Night Safari for the last night of their Halloween Horrors promo. To save money, we opted for the walkabout tickets. Barely five minutes into the first trail, we were accosted by a Chinese vampire, a tree-zombie, and a Poison Ivy who came this close to me, and glared at me as I screamed fitfully for all to hear.

THEN, best part! We stopped at a trail marked "Tiger", and contemplated entering it, when an Indian man dressed in black stepped out of the shadows and said in his deep voice, "Yah, the tiger is this way.." I jumped backwards, out of my skin, screaming bloody murder! I had NO idea he was there, no idea at all! And meaning no disrespect, of course, since korang tahu that dulu aku suka Siva and all. You can't accuse me of being racist. I just say it like it is.

After that we trudged around, checking out the animals. My favourites were the Indian Porcupine--adorable spikes!!!--and the show-offy lion.

Spent the rest of the night at store, alternately helping out with Xmas setup and talking to Khai, Tasha and Wawan. It was super-duper fun. But now I'm sleepy, so nites!

p.s. Ohyeah forgot to mention, we took a photo with Sala [Din] the Vampire. He looked quite dashing, I didn't even recognise him at first! Haha.

Pole Practice – The Evolution

 I love going for pole prac because it gives my brain and body the time to process whatever I’d learned in class. Class moments are always s...