Friday, March 31, 2006

i. am. so. tired. and hungry. and bored. i was supposed to wake up at 930 just now, but ended up jolting myself awake at 1040. aku bodoh! somehow when the handphone alarm sounded, i'd managed to turn it off. and somehow, i don't even remember that happening.

well this morning was the last lab this semester. so i took a few more photos than usual. haha. but i wasn't prepared for the romantic interlude that took place between me and DIP1-namesake. see, the calorimeters we were using were wet la, so we were supposed to dry them off at the start of the experiment. so we made our way to the shelf where the tissue paper was. he reached there first, so he tore off some tissue la. then he saw me approaching, so he PASSED THE TISSUE TO ME!!! i nearly died. i mean, how sacrificial of him! he had to take another wad of tissue for himself after that. ahhhh. totally laaaa. then he said, "this is the biggest toilet paper roll ever.." to which i could only reply, "haha yeah.." cos my mind was busy screaming, he's talking to me!!!! well shah made her way there as fast as she could, when she saw that exchange, but he completely ignored her arrival. *nyeh-nyeh* haha. yup. then later i was telling shah, "this is the most tiring thing i've ever done!" while stirring the stupid calorimeter, and he laughed!!! dier suker aku!!! woohoo!!! [sad, then, that we may never have the same lab again.]
the setting of our romantic interlude

and yest was the 3j junior closing bbq, which rocked, cos i totally tore up the place with songs from atikk's laptop. hahaha.

wednesday, however, was like THE day. went tanning in the afternoon. it was facking hot at first, then it started raining at like 130. so i left early. sorry, hot wildwildwet lifeguards. after that i had driving, which was alright, more or less, and where i saw sani baru abis riding. his TP's in april, and dier sebok2 nak beli aprilia too!!! yah well anyway after THAT was the salam launch at samar. totally la, i *heart* anak satayclub, and Matair Maryam! [Matair Maryam's this cute guy from the house band, who--duh--looks like matair maryam. haha.]

thennnn... we went to MoS! heru drove me, dayah, and her two BRE friends there. totally laaaa. berlambak guys, as usual. beribu orang, as usual. notable guys wld be vince, the hot feringhee i danced with FIRST, and the adorable young nat-type mat i danced with. vince is this 20-year-old filipino guy living in san diego, and just doing all the touristy stuff in singapore till tmr [sat]. me and dayah were sitting outside, drinking [super big gulp and snapple la, what were u thinking?!?!?!], and he happened to sit next to me and after a while, he just started talking to us. he told dayah "you have very nice teeth," at which aku cam, malu cos MY gigis are jongang. haha. anyway he was cute, and dayah totally macam, fell. haha. klakar. after his friends made him leave, she was so takder mood nak dance. giler. and the hot feringhee. i SWEAR. he was so hot. all chiselled features--perfect nose, nice brows, great eyes, and arresting smile. and tall, and really nice. he looks like a vik, actually, but dayah cakap dier orang putih. apaperlah. whatever it is, he's hot. and he danced with ME! FIRST! i couldn't believe my luck! *jumps around* but i LOST him when he went to throw away his bottle! YARGHHHH. i'm still macam, beating myself up over it now. basically, dayah and i are still sad. :(

but u know, other than that, it was a great night. i can't wait to go again, but it'll have to wait till after exams.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

just a short one, cos i'm gonna be swamped today.

yesterday after taridra we went for dinner/supper at hazwani, AS USUAL. haha. this time the after-meal topic was marriage. it was SO cool. arranged marriages, atikk and me lamenting why OUR parents aren't arranging our marriages, fez asking how we're gonna initiate sex infront of the kids.. TOTALLY LAAAAAAAAAA.

i love my hazwani suppers. sampai sana kul 8ish, left at almost 11!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

kesian kurus. he's just sitting there alone. i SO know how that feels. well, at least he got a good seat. amy wanted to macam, invite him to sit with us, but u know, I'm not gonna be the one to do that. haha.

taridra meeting later. so i'm gonna be home late. and i have loads of things to do tmr. nothing which includes my studies, so i better get started now.

lyrics break!

Before anything began between us
You were like my best friend
The one I used to run and talk to
When me and my girl was having problems
You used to say it'll be OK
Suggest little nice things I should do
And when I go home at night and lay my head down
All I seemed to think about was you
And how

You make me wanna leave the one I'm with
Start a new relationship with you
This is what you do
Think about a ring and all the things it come along with
You make me
You make me

i had SUCH a stupid dream last night. it was chem-themed, and involved me swimming around in chem equations and thermodynamic formulas, guest-starring wee boon and his (very-short) wife and their new car.


Monday, March 27, 2006

Ayam hitam telurnya putih
Mencari makan di pinggir kali
Beta hitam giginya putih
kalau ketawa manis sekali
Ayo, mama mama jangan marah beta
Dia cuma cuma cuma cium beta
Ayo, mama mama jangan marah beta
'Lah orang muda punya biasa
-Ayo Mama

maybe it's the upcoming angklung concert or something [which i'm not performing in], but the lyrics of this song were playing in my head so i decided to Google it.

well i actually had a nice day today. i'm not sorry about the previous entry, cos, you know, i had my reasons. but u know, sorry for being so violent and public about it.

hm. i think that's all. byeeee.

i have SUCH a packed week ahead. and i just found out i have a genes essay due this friday. i am SO screwed.

on the other hand, i'm going out with amir on sat! yay!!! finally, a nice platonic outing! what a lovely change.. =DDDDDD

Sunday, March 26, 2006


why the FUCK did she have to go tell my mom?

did I spill the beans when she had assorted guys over in her room, back when she was in JC/uni/whatever? did I tell my mom she was still seeing kumara? did i EVER tell on her, in fact?

no, i never did.
i got this sms from dayah this afternoon [okay, it was about 1236pm..]: Ain aku mimpi rumah kau tebakar.. Den u wanted come sleepover my house.. Haha


haha. yup i just thought it was hilarious.

Friday, March 24, 2006

i'm so bored. there's like nothing to blog about anymore. in fact, there's nothing to do online anymore. yesterday i found myself going through my hotmail inbox and checking out all of hairul's forwards, for lack of things to do. sheesh.

well i had a great day today. i think. albeit boring. i got my chinese test back, and i did pretty well, alhamdulillah. but u know. tu baru midterm. masih ader exam, so jgn nak sit on my so-called laurels yet. haha. thaiguy was looking really cute today, his hair is so budak-baik-ish. and we attempted to go after virgin after class but when it became clear that he was heading to YIH, we gave up. haha.

i thought lab was pretty alright. beautiful almond-scented crystals everywhere. what screwed it up was me having to do TLC thrice. to prevent me from crying into my hexane:diethyl ether solvent, shah helped me do my third and final one which was, thankfully, successful. haha.

nat's crystals were formed under pressure, so they were small but sparkly! i totally loved them. mine were the pseudo-ideal crystals, of course. -ducks to avoid objects being hurled-

and after lab we risked breaking our necks to check out this scram:

lawar right??? totally reminiscent of the KTM guy's KTM at hazwani. wonder what he's up to..
so zack asked me to zouk tonight. on him. and i was sorely tempted, but no. no more creepy-guys-whom-i'll-never-like-so-there's-no-point-leading-them-on-anyway.

this morning in lab ahmad and syaban came in together, and i burst out laughing cos they were both wearing black shirts. funnayfunnay.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

i'm sorry, my dear friend.
i love you.
next time will be better.

Image hosting by Photobucket

Why did the fly fly?
-Because the spider spied 'er.

i *heart* CSI.
so i thought i'd wake up at four, but i totally refused to wake up when my mom tried to. haha. so. i told her to wake me at six instead. then i took my time getting dress, and i still reached skl in time for the second half of 1121. haha.

still a little sleepy though. and feeling slightly burnt. but i'll survive.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

okay, driving was a bitch today. i nearly killed myself, twice. and i struck the kerb like 84028302 million times. plus, you know, the rain didn't help.

but the rest of the day was GREAT. loads of cute guys. LOADS. totally fun.

yup bye.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

me at my slengerest.

"what if it gets to **dil***? mampos aku!"

the story goes like this: i was eating my OCKsoftsquid, which was every bit as liat as i'd predicted. it was already the last piece, and i was struggling and using all available appendages, when, out of nowhere, he whipped out a disposable camera and snapped me in action. and if that's not enough, the situation was made worse when amy quipped, "dier suker kau lah ain, sebenarnyer..!"

i should have seen it coming. he was giving me weird stares while i was manoevering my way around the squid. yAAAARgh.

other than that, it was a great day.

i hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, the sun and me have big plans.

Monday, March 20, 2006


the fonts on this comp are too cool to waste!!! thanks zul!
thanks for the link, nat.



* Sangat setia dan pemurah.
* Bersifat patriotik.
* Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan.
* Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa.
* Bercita-cita tinggi.
* Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi.
* Seronok bila didampingi.
* Suka bercampur dengan orang.
* Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan dibelai.
* Sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak ansur.
* Tidak pandai berpura-pura.
* Cepat marah.
* Perangai yang mudah berubah-ubah.
* Tidak ego walaupun harga dirinya sangat tinggi.
* Benci pada kongkongan.
* Suka berlawak.
* Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran logik


and yes, they're ALL true. espesh that glaring big one. i HATE being tied down [or boxed in, or whatever]. why can't you guys get that into your heads?
so i actually hit the books yesterday. yes, believe it. i took 12 to national library and stayed there till closing time. haha. but no, that's not as great as it sounds. i left the house at like 4 in the afternoon, haha. consequently reaching there at about five. but wow. you know why i love it? cos it reminds me of the RJ library. i ADORED the RJ library. despite the having to put 30% of my stuff in the locker and lugging the other 70% in my arms to the nearest available table [EXACTLY the same procedure in LCKRL, btw], the lack of eye-candy [ditto the LCKRL], it has dillions of books, and it's just so fun and bynk sunlight. i'm like a plant. i *heart* sunlight.


and this morning there were oodles of cute guys in the train, so fun.

i was at the canteen with amy when she said, "eh ain, mat!" so i turned, just as she added, "tapi dier bersih-bersih.." dahlah tu, he was skinny and TAK-CUTE langsung. i quickly turned back and burst out laughing. buat maluuuuuuuu.

oh the test was urgh as usual. plus dil didn't come for the third time in a row. honestly, aku taulah dier pandai, but how pandai can you be, to NOT turn up for ANY of the tests at all?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

yesterday's cute guys were these three malay dudes in the train home. i think they're from SP, cos i'd seen one of them before. anyway, they were cute. haha. and the one i'd seen before, he had a cookie monster keychain on his bag, and a hello kitty dangly thingy on his handphone. i nearly died laughing looking at the hello kitty crap. the other two were cute too, and one of them was wearing an orange nickelodeon tshirt. cute nyerrr. he kinda had a goatee, which really upped the constrast.

then when nat got off at tnm, the middle one said, "bye.. alah baru nak tengok beg.." or some crap.. and when they all got off at tampines, they stood at the platform waving vigorously at me.


Friday, March 17, 2006

I remember walking through park
On the phone talking till it's dark
Laying on the golden sands
Holding hands
Till we got golden tans
Knowing one day we gon' wear golden bands
Let's take it back when you had my name on your nails
And you came with the bails
Soon as I came in the jail
You was there for me
But I don't see you as much now
I guess I dropped the ball on a game-winning touchdown
- Used To Be by Ryan Leslie f Fabolous

i love that song, somehow.

lab ended like, within an hour. bes... haha, since i already blogged this morning i don't have much to write now la. i'll be starting my lab report soon. just enjoying my downtime now. heh.

anyway, check it out. i'm gonna get this printed on a tshirt. sort of an antithesis to the "gua *heart* minahs" tshirts i've been seeing everywhere.

aku nak terkencing. tapi aku tahan skejap. cos i have to blog about yest night.

the day itself went pretty alright. i skipped lecture cos i just couldn't seem to drag my sorry ass out of bed at 4 a.m. came to skl in the afternoon to meet naz and nat. so far, so good. ate oodles and oodles of foodles. [sorry aku giler.] then the 3j meeting, where i actually had to pay more than scant attention for once, cos i was taking minutes. hahaha.

after tt we had dinner/supper at hazwani. there were these three uber-hot army guys [mim]. all tall, dark and handsome. i nearly died. too bad they sat so far away, and completely out of the line of my vision. me, atikk and dayah kept turning round to check them out, but they were like forever being blocked!!! and then it was total heartbreak when they left. arghhh.

we were also joined by tilam [i forgot his real name], and horis [however you spell it], who i just realised looks like p. ramlee!!! haha. so atikk and i started acting out p.ramlee scenes. it was crazy.

then we went home la, and at the bus stop were those three hot army guys!!! woohoo! unfortunately, they were supremely uninterested. sedih. even though i went to all the trouble of buying this month's cleo and everything so we'd get to see more of them. hahaha. the cutest one lives right there in clementi, and OH he is so hot, please kill me now.

AND THEN, in the train, i was happily studying chinese for today's midterm, when some guy sits next to me [pasal si BODOH zahdan tanak duduk sebelah aku] and keeps staring at me and my book. after a while he asked, "are you chinese?" well, duh. a blind man would know the answer to that right? yeah he proceeded to ask how long i'd been studying chinese, and where i was heading to, my name, my age, etc. dayah was furiously poking a hole in my arm with her elbow, and smsing me "are you ok?" and she tried to rescue me by staging a conversation about KKO and everything. ironically, at the same time, she offered pen and paper when he asked for my number. mampos. [his name, btw, is hisham, but apparently his friends call him "ace". WO-kay.] fast facts: he's NOT cute, and i swear he looks about 30+++!!!

aper ni??? of all types of people to approach me on the train, it had to be THAT kind??? and he just kept going on and on about what kind of guy i liked, even though i told him that i don't WANT a boyfriend. sheesh. get the hint, why don't you?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

eight cute mats. one MRT carriage. two rows. and one of them singing a line from Hafiz As'ari: "Masya-Allah, Masya-Allah, tak bleh angkat.."

i mean, he-LLO! thank God my nicole richie shades filtered off most of the amusement from my eyes. and i swear, all of them were cute.

too bad they're all about sixteen.

i hate blogging bout shitty/sad/generally negative things cos then when i read past entries, i'll be reminded of them, and that'll get me down. so i filter those out too.

which is why i'm left with this crap above.

maybe a break.

[sean msged today after almost three months. AND I REALLY THOUGHT HE'D FORGOTTEN ME!!! it was exactly what i needed, yo.]

Monday, March 13, 2006


i actually PASSED my genes MCQ test! i am SO happy. that's like, my first non-chinese pass this semester. maybe there's hope for me yet.

mannn. i had SUCH a boring weekend after petah. dahlah si dol fai MoS nak merajuk kat aku, basically the only interesting thing tt happened was that i had a dream about EH-UU. in which he wasn't acting very EH-UU-ly. don't ask. you don't want to know. wahaha.

train ride was alright. the absence of normal-school-going kids wasn't very noticeable. and there were a couple of cute guys, but nothing that kept me awake or whatever. haha.

hope riding's alright later. kalau tak pun, hope there are hotties abound.

yeah. dream on.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

i've been too tired and too bored by life to blog these few days.

and right now, i'm supremely annoyed cos NOVA93.7 has just decided to conk out on me, just as urban essentials is about to come on. ARGH.

and that's all for today, folks.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

i'm SO sleepy. i could hardly open my eyes in the train and bus just now. it really sucks having to come to skl at freaking eight in the morning when YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE CLASSES!

so i don't think i'm coming tomorrow. it's too kesian for my body to wake up at freaking four a.m. for six consecutive mornings.

i don't really have much to write sebenarnye. haha. i should really be doing something constructive, like lab report [i started to type "rab leport"!!!] or bio essay or something la.

after this, k?

after bio yest i went to bukit batok with amy. and met up with herry. it bothers me slightly that he looks like herman--my sister's ex whom my mom used to refer to as "si janggut"--but you know, whatever. haha. anyway we just hung out skejap then he sent me home. it was my first time on a bike on the expressway!!! totally laaa! it was FACKING cold. man. mampos aku. but it was fun. and there was this stretch of road that was all winding and twisting, and it was like being on a huge figure 8 or something! very fun. but next time [if there IS a next time], i'm SO not wearing a skirt. haha.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

yesterday during lunch

Baba has finished arranging her fries on her tray and decides she can't finish them cos she's full.

Baba: ain, kau nak tak? aku ader mayonnaise lagi! [points in what she thinks is a tantalising manner to the white blob on her tray, adjacent to the fries.]

Me: [adamantly] no way! even if you dipped them in Essence of Hoirul i wouldn't eat them!

as a result, she almost puked. wahahahaha.
just a holla while i wait for bio lect to start.

[actually i'm also sort of waiting for this cute WLNY guy to come online, but that's a whole different story. haha.]

boring boring boring skl, no excitement at all, and even loner guy wasn't around for lect today. so nat and i were watching videos on youtube, wonderful invention that it is. maybe later i'll go back there again.

nat and i were people-watching the other day at lido mac's, when she said, "this place rocks cos they can't see you looking at them." well i was about to sampuk when she continued, "but it sucks cos they can't see you looking at them."

when alfian saw this picture, he said: "macam orang mintak cium.. then u macam malu malu ahh cannot!" that guy is crazy.

my nicole richie shades!

new module. it's called Kursus Rumahtangga 101.

Monday, March 06, 2006

so was today a BLAST or what???

i actually went to skl [albeit skipped lectureS] and finished my perfumes quiz, among assorted other things. no cute guys except for a little respite provided by batu giling, yay. he's SO hot i tell you! then i lunched with baba irma and farah, and left for riding.

i was in a bit of a mess pasal i was running late. HATE BEING LATE. as anyone even remotely acquainted with me would know. well anyway riding was alright. i didn't fall, which is great. and which i miss. not falling, that is. hahaha. but it's HARD! my E-brake sucks butt. my plank was like 4.6s!!! and slalom was abit slow [but yes, loads of fun]. there were a few cute guys. this allif-type who was behind me, wearing the nicest beige ribbed sweater and those allif specs i LOVE. too bad i totally embarrassed myself infront of him by making a right turn cos i was stupidly following people yg nak tukar bike, and then changing lane back IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TURN. oh and when he smiles--spitting image of bun! i nearly died.

at the end of it, i was so sweaty and gross. and all frumpy cos bag aku berat, then ader notebook, then ader helmet, and u know, i just looked so bag-lady-ish. so i was just walking slowly and deliberately to taha's house, to allow the least amount of perspiration to keluar. then at the filter lane this [wave, i think] bike passed me. the rider turned to look at me, and he was like smiling. then the pillion pun toleh. and at the end of the lane, they turned again. so i couldn't help but smile back la.

well i thought that was it. so i was waiting for the traffic light to change, and smiling to myself. haha. beginnings of a great mood. then biler aku tengah cross, they passed me again and they were smiling at me again and the rider waved. [btw, this means that they actually U-turned. and thanks to the jam, they managed to catch me at the same place.] so i was like, okay kalau dier U-turn tt means they're gonna try and find me right.. but i didn't think they would cos they didn't know exactly where i was going what. the area around taha's place bynk carparks. i continued my slow deliberate walk to the lift landing, sampai and picit the button. then the pillion appeared!!! i was so shocked. and no prizes for guessing what happened next. [he asked for my number on the rider's behalf.] u know, i never understood why people need wakils to ask for other people's numbers. tanyer sendiri ah. baru tunjuk terrer sikit. ohwells.

yep so that was one HUGE egoboost. ohyeah the guy's name is herry. yup.

you see, it's so easy to meet someone online and ask for their number, ONLINE. it's so easy to dance with someone in a club and ask for their number after. it's so easy to exchange meaningful glances with someone for over an hour, and then ask for their number.

so how about something that poses more of a challenge?

hm then at the bus stop there was this really cute guy wearing the exact same XL2 vans i was! dahlah tu, dier pakai eyeliner dokkkk! hothothot.

yeah. had a GREAT day.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

i spent like 7285038 dollars today. padahal baru dapat gaji. and nak kirekan my gaji was already used up in advance for miscellaneous expenses. i am so screwed!

and today wasn't even a designated keluar-berjalan2 day. let alone a shopping day.

we had a perfumes meeting pat paragon starbucks. it was pretty fun actually. haha. but u know. paragon. sunday. takder orang hebat ah. and after that the four of us went to wisma, and that's when the craziness started.

first it was the face shop. the nail polish was only $2.50 each! and such adorable shades! there was one of huge glitter stars and other glitter bits on clear polish. i bought a sky blue one and a topcoat. and nearly plumped for some purple loose powder as well.

there was this cute, friendly little manjen girl who was so excited over the clear glitter polish. she was like showing me her nails and all. cute sey. then her mother made her come over and put glitter eyeshadow on her eyelids in a really unskillful manner. and she was like wailing, "mummy!!!" really sadly and trying to rub it off. i felt sorry for her so i took out my mirror and said, "you want to see?" and she hated it, of course, cos it was SO badly applied. she went back to her mom to try and get it off but her mom tanak, so she ran back to me, and i helped her blend it, and i let her look in the mirror again and she actually liked it! oh she was just SO adorable.

then it was forever 21, where i nearly bought a pair of nicole richie shades tapi decided to hold back my decision, konon nak survey other shops. so we went to topshop where i went kinda crazy buying three tops i already have but in different colours, and tried on a really cute pair of jeans. grey, uber-low-rise, and tapered. yes sorry i have a secret desire to own a pair of tapered jeans. kill me now, hafiz as'ari.

lepas tu kiter jalan2 kat taka skejap, then nat and me went to far east and walked around there. i got my nicole richies for $15 at this shop in levelone. LOVING THEM. yups then we hung out at lido mac's till her parents arrived.

and pat pasir ris [and dlm train] ader beribu NS guys! woohoo!
will sleep soon, i promise. it's just that too much happened today for me to NOT dwell on everything. so maybe unloading it here will help some. who knew so much could happen in a day?

yest i thought i was having the worst day of my life. dahlah si bodoh CBLC guy refused to print my lab report, preferring to print twenty-fucking-eight pages of some pdf file instead. so i had to double back there after bio lab and get the stuff and hand it in. so as we were settling our samples and shit in the organic lab, i caught a glimpse of this cute guy out of the corner of my eye. i turned for a better look, and... guess who??? so i hissed, "nat kau tgk tu saper!" yes it was loner guy. in all his lab-coated, lab-goggled glory, holding a separatory funnel in the most adorable lost manner. who knew one could look EVEN hotter in those dorky things? well, dahlah dier notice aku notice dier, he was also completely lost and therefore aggravated the situation by catwalking up and down several times in search of some reagent or other. hmm. separatory funnel means dier tgh buat experiment 2 right? but why? and it wasn't even his lab session. questions, questions. anyway i held in it for as long as possible, then when we finally left the lab i made a right turn and did a spirited loner guy dance. that was cool.

today sucked too, cos i freaking woke up late so i had to cab to skl. and i hate cabbing, even in the best of times. but u know what, the kids were so adorable, and so were two of the judges [we all know WHICH two], and i did have loads of fun after all. after tt hanom and i went to collect my paycheques [hardy was working] and then we hung out at orchard.

went to far east, where we bumped into bun. he was coming down the escalator. with a girl. who's definitely not the same kind of girl i am, so i guess there was never any hope for me. anyway. after i managed to put my eyeballs back in their sockets, i hazarded, "hi.. jalan-jalan awak?" with a discreet glance at the girl.
and he replied, "ah'ah.. [pause] gi mana? pun jalan-jalan?"
me: "yah.. tak keje niari?"
him: "tak.. niari off.."
me: "okaylah.. bye.."
and i walked off and got on the escalator as calmly as possible. and tried REALLY hard not to look back. but i couldn't help it, i looked back!!! and he was looking back at me too, and smiling that adorable innocent smile of his and i nearly DIED of pure unadulterated heartbreak. he looks EXACTLY as i remember him, except his goatee is much thicker. oh God. i missed him so much. i really liked him. and he knew it. and he just macam, step bodoh. and now he has a freaking girlfriend!!! -wails- i'm sorry. i'm just sad. he was (is?) prolly one of the few genuinely nice guys i like(d?).

i was quite a pain after that [sorry hanom], reminiscing the bun days, and pasrah-ing. yeah anyway we ate at jon's salon, where the guy remembered my order [as usual], but the cook didn't [AS USUAL], and then when we were paying the bill, the guy asked after shafa [are u reading this shafa?]. then i said something about her coming back in june, and i'm POSITIVE i saw jason's head turn towards me as if he caught what i was saying. COOL. haha.

bumped into nadiy at the lift [he's HEEEUGE] and then we went to lido mac's and hung out there people-watching, which was lovely. then while i was waiting at orchard mrt, i met fariq [i totally didn't recognise him at first, i thot some weird mat was waving at me for no reason], and then pat with DAVID [foo]! i nearly died [AGAIN] of [minor, this time] heartbreak. sigh. in the end dier dapat david. when she cld have had andrew?!?!? [that's his name right? i totally forgot. alah the smart guy who tergiler2kan her lah.]

yeah then i met up with the two wans [from MoS] and hung out with them and their friends, aminur [who DOESN'T smoke! wow!], mimah and linda. beribu mats siol kat taka. totally laaaa. then the two girls left, so it was macam, me and the guys. but it was alrite. they're fun. and they took turns carrying my bag. klakar. i thot aminur was quiet at first [ditto for him, i'm sure], but he warmed up after awhile.

it was lovely and all, but then the second wan told me that the first wan really seems to like me! about 15 minutes later, the first wan told me that the second wan likes me. so aper ni??? jangan suker akulah, orang-orang. i lose interest easily. dahlah both of them just went thru 4- and 6-year relationship breakups recently. do NOT wanna be responsible for macam, hurting them or whatever. argh. i mean, i just like to hang out. i already told them pe. i said, "i wanna play the field.." the first time i met them. i also said, "sometimes i don't like to layan people." so aper ni, suckers for punishment? alah. entahlah. we'll deal with it when we come to it la.


Friday, March 03, 2006

just checking in.

i had a fight with my mom this morning. the topics concerned were
1. me coming home late on school nights, and
2. my skimpy tops.
YES i know what everyone's dying to say at this point. so don't say it. well it wouldn't make a difference anyhow. anyway i don't like to argue with my mom, even when i completely TAK AGREE LANGSONG, so i just kept quiet while she bisinged and bisinged and bisinged. after that i went to my room, closed the door and started gathering my bag and stuff. then i opened the door to exit my room, and she pounced on me again and she was all like, "ain tak dengar tadi mummy cakap? asal belum tukar baju?" i was momentarily speechless actually. then i said, "ain dah lambat," [which, if you realise, doesn't exactly answer the question.] and left while she threatened to throw away all my tops if i continue wearing them.

wait. if i wear them, she'll throw them away. if i don't, they'll never see the light of day. so. what happens now? either way, they don't get worn then, right? well i'm sorry. i know it's against the principles of my religion and all. but. you know. okay actually i don't know. but i don't WANT to change. so much of our well-being is tied to the way we feel about ourselves. and the way i feel about myself is tied to what i wear. so you know, work it out. and i've seen worse, y'know? i'm definitely not bottom-rung bitch-dressing material here.

besides, there's that nagging thought at the back of my head that says: my sister dresses like that too.

i HATE that i've written so much about this, but it's just really upsetting la, and i can't get it out of my head, and i gotta face it anyhow. no idea how i'm gonna do it.

anyway, filza took this at MoS with her cameraphone. yay. speaking of which, my calves and assorted other muscles in my body are STILL in agony.

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lab was alrite. i thot my candlelight dinner guy looked espesh nice today. in his shirt and all. yay. and he like, laughed at one of my witty comments. whee!!! but it was also crappy cos we messed up the filling up of the dumas bulb with water. so we had to do it all over again. takper. wee boon was really nice and supportive, so it was bearable.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

yest i woke up feeling crappy. so crappy, in fact, that i contemplated NOT going for both riding and driving. but somehow i managed to drag myself out of bed and got ready. but i looked SOOOOO frumpy somehow. it was just crappy. and macam, seluar aku felt ketat. SHEEESH. seluars should never feel ketat when you're riding. anyway at the last minute i grabbed one of my carik-pasal tops to change into for driving. wahaha.

okay so. riding. it was so bloodyfucking hot. i nearly died. nasib baik i was wearing what i was wearing. oh and there was this uberuberuber hot mim guy. all talldarkhandsome and looking espesh crisp in a long-sleeved white tshirt. KILL ME NOW. he was having pract 8. okay. the pract. as usual i was excellent at the stupid slope. i swear. when finally i get to do circuit revision, i'm gonna skip the slope la. haha. then came the figure 8. the warmup was alright, but there was some miscommunication, which was quite funny really. anyway i didn't fall, NOT EVEN ONCE! i made like one wide turn, but the rest was okay, if a bit wobbly. and at one point si instructor was like, "don't bank so much la." haha. mannn. dahlah aku nyer indicator cacat, and refuses to turn off even biler aku picit. and i was convinced i was gonna get heatstroke or something cos i SWEAR it was so hot, and we didn't get a break, although si raime told us to just go park the bike for awhile and minum air kalau nak. but of course. NO WAY i was gonna do that. the more chances the better. my eighth pract okay, jangan main2. so it was over, all too soon. but i can feel my confidence increasing with each pract, so it's not too bad. well then i nearly died of disappointment when he gave back my booklet first. but when i opened it, i passed my pract 3!!! i nearly died of happiness and relief.

yeah so i celebrated. yah cam real. i just bought loads of stuff at the mama shop, and topped up my account and shit. then i was like an hour early for driving. haha. bodoh. well we did vertical parking, which was not too much trouble, yay. and bynk budak pract 1, so i was cuci-ing mater.

after driving i was at yishun as usual so i got like TWO soft squid and a mac's ILT [as part of my celebrations, haha], went home and conked out.

i was all ready to buat lab report and zhui jiao, skali i went online and si dodol filza asked me to MoS with hana and saida, their NTU friend. aku aper lagi. pantang sey. haha. i took the last 12 to clarke quay, it was pretty cool, except macam bynk orang tengok2. it's so facking annoying. kalau nak bawak jacket macam leceh cos then i'll have to find somewhere to stash it.

well it was great. loved it. there was this guy who joget rabak giler sampai terjatuh2 and langgar2 everyone in the vicinity [feringhee], after that it was some unknown malay/manjen guy who CAN'T DANCE and was also freaking boring, then this guy i thot was vik but had an american accent. he was sweet. hmm after that it was eddie, the most rabak of the lot. mampos aku. after that i kinda gave up and danced with the girls. ohyeah i got to go up on the podium with filza, it was so cool! literally AND figuratively. haha. ohyah. there was this really cute guy. he's macam, mixed. and extremely cute. i swear. the moment i saw him, i was like, "what is THAT???" and totally la, sparks flew within 10 seconds. haha. that was cool. too bad that was it. tu je. bye, the first hot guy who was ever interested in me.

hmm after that we went to mac's. [ohyeah we finally left at like 4. haha.] we were positively dying of tiredness over our drinks when these two feringhees came in. one of them was wearing a green suit. grass green. suit as in, his jacket and pants were the same shade and make. so u know me, i was like, "LAWA baju!" haha. well while he queued up, his friend started talking to us from where he was standing at the counter. he was like, "do u girls like my friend's outfit? it's his favourite colour." we nearly died laughing. then he came and sat next to me while waiting for his friend, and just talked to us, like david did the last time. anyway i forgot his name, but he's a Brit, and his friend's Aussie. they were from some yacht at pasir panjang. and boy did he REEK. [of alcohol, duh.] but u know, he was funny. they bought loads of burgers [no drinks], and then they left.

think that's the end of the story? no it's not! haha. we were walking to the taxi stand thingy, and these two mats were macam, trying to flirt with us or some crap. but whatever, so i was malas to take a cab cos macam tanak waste duit. haha. sedih. and the other three were trying to convince me to go back to their hostel. ohwell. tanak ah. and those two guys keluar 7-11 and nak berkenalan with us. so i hung out with them till like 630, nak tunggu first bus nyer pasal. in the end one of them sent me home in a cab. how sweet right?

Pole Practice – The Evolution

 I love going for pole prac because it gives my brain and body the time to process whatever I’d learned in class. Class moments are always s...