Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I am hungry.

Yesterday he came by at around eleven to send me home. I really don't see the rationale, since I would have had the bike otherwise, but I appreciate the gesture.

He just sat there doing nothing till we finished closing. And, thanks to Farid, I finished slightly earlier, so I joined him on the sofa as well. Thank you Dean for understanding. [Even though earlier kau bingit ngan aku, :S]

Okay I'm hungry and he's already here anyways.

[I finished lab early, and it's the same lab as Lonerguy, AND the cute guy from last week's lab pun ada! Rocking or what?]

Why is he so nice to me?

Monday, January 29, 2007

"But why are they following meeeee...???" I wailed.

"Because you're wearing shorts--and they're men!" he replied.

I nearly died of laughter.

[Two different police cars ended up trailing me. It was weird, not to mention unnerving. So I was wondering why.]
Photos first!

Nanti bleh bebual.

Hanom and I at MEGA BITES [haha], and no, we didn't pakat to wear the same colour.
My baby with a rusty pipe.
St. James. And no, Atikk, I do NOT look naked.
More St. James. Happy birthday Sala.
Yes, the pink-haired troll I do NOT recognise.

Daddy came to store after Saturday closing, and we all ended up having supper together. Seafood, yummy! The Newton uncle is really nice. But I insisted on talking to him in English. Thank you Naz for being nice to Amin. Haha.

Farid was.. More himself than I've ever seen him before. Twice as giler, twice as kecoh, twice as funny. Videos, for orang-orang yang nak tengok, available upon request.

Yesterday evening I went out with Daddy again. Esplanade, MSQ, Suntec, and the ECP.

Happy when I'm with him, so I've decided to stop caring about the logic or morals behind this.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The guy next to me is talking to himself and therefore thoroughly pissing me off.

I miss my boyfriend, sort-of-kind-of.

It turns out that R1 guy was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend. Oops. Sorry too late.

Okay sorryla I know I said I was over him and everything, but like I said to Nat, a residual crush-feeling lingers.

[Sorry I'm totally random, and people who know me better will realise that I skipped all the bad stuff, because you know, I'm an escapist.]

Other than that, St. James was a blast.

Just now I felt like a baby or something because I booked a comp at the Central Lib, and when I got to the terminal there was this ASSHOLE OF A GUY sitting there who refused to acknowledge that I'd booked the comp, and stubbornly tried to log in himself. So I went to the CBLC guy, and he and another guy went to the terminal, and the offender was chased away. WAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.

Tulah, nak curik computer orang. Baling helmet ni kat kau baru tahu.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I am so tired.

It's not like I did much. I didn't even go out, although I was tempted to ask Dodol out on the phone. He sounded like he wanted to go out too. But I resisted. And slept early. And omg I'm still sleepy. And I tersadared at 245 a.m. for odd reasons unknown to me.

The day hasn't been terrific or anything, but I count my blessings. That nice guy from lab still talks to me, haha. So cute.

Anyways. I want this tshirt. Nice! *jumps around*

the advisors


I bought a Happy Meal yesterday because the featured toy was a troll with pink hair from Trollz. Now, Trollz is one of my favourite cartoons, but I don't know who this troll with pink hair is. I've never seen her on TV.

One day someone should open a fast-food restaurant that's the antithesis of McDonald's. You know, with Small Macs and Triple Cheeseburgers and McBlands and my personal favourite, the Sad Meal. *jumps around somemore*

Ohyeah been wanting this tshirt too.

perpetuate the stereotype

The other time this semi-cute guy walked into store wearing something that looked like it. So on Mat's prompting, I asked him, "Is that Threadless?" But it turned out it wasn't, and he'd bought it in Chatuchak. [Ahhh, Chatuchak. Memories.] He said the label says Playtwo or something. Hmm. Interesting. Threadless copycats abound.

Well. Sorry for crapping. Boring la, all these breaks.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I don't normally do this, but

I would like to fuck upside-down the driver of SGL749C.

Thank you for swerving into our lane, without even signalling or bothering to check behind you, and therefore nearly killing us, if he hadn't braked in time. Itu pun terscrape depan sikit. And my heart was going at the same speed as the bike, I think. Takper. Just watch out. Too bad tadi motor baru, so takleh kejar. But just wait la. And don't watch out for a blue KR. Wrong colour yea. '

Otherwise, had another great day with Daddy. At Vivo. Whose features I finally got to see properly. Yayy.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

So anyway, today didn't start off so great but it was terrific after that. Met Hanom for lunch--a really long, drawn-out one with dessert-dessert skali, plus the cute PeterPan guy. Haha. After that I decided not to go for stats, as usual, and we both went to Atikk's place and hung out for a coupla hours.


Then I gave Atikk a lift to her workplace and went to meet Daddy. So much for telling Fiddy that I was tired and was gonna go home and sleep, because I ended up hanging out with Daddy and his friends all over Orchard. I swear, all his friends are cute. I am not kidding.

JunkFood tees are the new love. But he wouldn't let me buy even one. In fact, he wouldn't let me buy anything. Cos he said I've spent enough for one month. And he told me to wait till next month. Lucky that, cos if not I think I would have spent easily a coupla hundred dollars.

Next month.. Still waiting..

I was really jealous though, cos Hairul and Ahmad and Isnoor were buying things left and right. Hairul got the coolest Globe wallet, it has a cool removable tempat-taruk-important-cards. NAKKKK. And only 29 bucks, too. Dang.

Hung out till eleven-plus, then he "sent" me home. Haha. I would call it a waste of petrol, but I guess he would call it "running-in".

Friday, January 19, 2007

In Science Lib now. This is like my second home. I'm forever here, surfing and printing stuff. I bet the CBLC people think I'm poor and takder computer kat rumah. Haha.

I'm even using the exact same terminal I used yesterday, and it actually remembers all my login usernames and the websites I visited!

Pretty fucking cool.

I am bored. I know I should be doing something constructive, like catching up on the 7549275 hours of lectures that I missed in these first two weeks of school. But I can't do it, I just can't! Haha. The only productive thing I did today was to email the Chem department for a practical slot. And of course, print notes. My whole life consists of printing notes. And then not using them.

I'm also hungry. Baru makan five hours ago whatttt.. Oh and just now in lecture, I was craving the lightly salted chips from store. Remind me to steal a bag tomorrow.

Traffic today was better than yesterday, even though I left the house later this morning. Weeeeiiirddd.

Anyway. BC tomorrow! Finally! Wahahaha.

Okay, they're like taking forever to print my stuff so let's just forget it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I went to ASPhoon after class just now because Amin baru angkat motor. I got there without getting lost, that's really something to be proud of! It turned out to be right opposite the old Woodsville, which I've definitely been to before, although a coupla years back, of course.

It looks a little different from mine, but nice plate number. After that I had to lead the way to the nearest petrol station [which turned out to be Caltex, unfortch. Nice restrooms though. Those ads weren't exaggerating!], and after that to his place in Yishun.

Picked up Arif, and we just hung around a bit before they "sent" me home. Haha.

Anyway. Random photos.

artwork by daryl, in the presence of awun
wheelock's christmas tree
my store, if you can figure out where it is
Daddy and me
mango-raspberry-frappuccino blended cream

Thursday, January 11, 2007

[I don't know what to say, except that this isn't the first time I've wasted tens of dollars before.]

Overall, a shitty day. The only thing that kept me from deliberately getting into a rabak accident was that phone call from him.


[Shhh jangan bilang orang!]

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It's wet and cold outside and I'm at home why? Because I stupidly left my POS card at home, so I had to go back and get it before I go to work later. And I'm not going for my 2 p.m. class because it's raining now and I'm still tired from yesterday.

Don't ask what I did.

Been enjoying a week of fame at work because my face is pasted on the espresso machine. Haha.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Yesterday wasn't such a great day.

In fact, it hasn't been a great year, and it's only just started.

It wasn't any specific thing la, it's just an accumulation of a bunch of unidentified annoyances. As I was saying to Farid. Who immediately seized upon my usage of the phrase "unidentified annoyance" and claimed it to be the source of his pasrah-ness too.

Farid is giler. But beginning to understand him a little more each day. You see, even hot-as-hell guys have their problems. And they aren't too different from the ones normal civilians like me face.

Thank you Naz for listening. <3 Naz.

After work I was feeling completely dissatisfied and unhappy, so I went down to St. James to meet Dayah and Zahdan. Itu pun macam half-hearted. Partly cos I didn't know how to get there. And it was one of those unfortunate days where I didn't bring my street directory cos I didn't think I was going out after work. So I followed my vague recollection of how the company cab got to Vivo, reasoning that it's pretty hard to get lost in Singapore anyway, and omg I found myself at St. James without having to make a single U-turn!

It was nice. They didn't even check my ID, which I thought was cool. Haha. And the crowd was pretty alright too. Except for this manjen dude, who, although cute, was trying too hard and ended up being just creepy.

Pole Practice – The Evolution

 I love going for pole prac because it gives my brain and body the time to process whatever I’d learned in class. Class moments are always s...