My Lonerguy Mood is indifferent.
My MBB Mood is okay.
This morning the OCS despatch guy smiled at me. Haha.
Paid my cute mechanic a visit again just now. His name is Ah Long, it transpires. And he is so adorable with his quiet smile and subtly muscular arms. One of the rare few manjen guys I like. Gahaha.
I am bored. Again. But I don't wanna end up sleeping again, like I did yesterday. Rain, don't get me wrong, I love you and everything, but you really screw up my plans, don't you think?
Ohwell. I was just checking in.
I write about my current obsessions and social issues I'm passionate about. Get inside the head of this Perempuan Giler Namun Tetap Fun.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
My Lonerguy Mood is resigned.
My MBB Mood is bouncing-off-the-walls.
Haha. When I reached school this morning, Hasyim-lookalike was around, to start things off. =D And then while I was sitting with Alfian [ajer, boo to Amy!], MBBK walked past, raised his hand in greeting to Alfian, and smiled at me. I smiled back, and continued smiling even after he'd walked away.
Like on Tuesday when my adorable mechanic smiled at me. He is too, too cute!
Later at the locker he walked past again. This is a great MBB day.
Tak sia-sialah aku bangun pagi even though this lecture was in no way beneficial to me other than seeing Li Tianhu. Haha.
I am bored. And tired. For no apparent reason. Ooh yesterday I finished lab pretty early, by my standards. It was nice to end the last lab session of the academic year on a positive note. Although aku abis at 410, I was still in the first half of the lab that ended. So, props for me! Haha. And special thanks to Clara Toh, whoever she is, whose lab report virtually helped me get perfect grades for my own lab reports. Yay to you.
I logged onto to find that I got a message from this guy who chatted me up outside Momo, some Saturdays back. I was so pleasantly surprised. To know that he still remembers me, etc. Even though all we did was talk, plus I was none too responsive that night.
Yesterday morning there was an annoying white Honda which kept dancing in and out of lanes. He made his debut by sliding from 3 to 1, and continued weaving in and out. I got so annoyed, I waited till he was stuck, then I kilas-ed past. It turned out to be some show-off vik. Amek kau obat.
Ohwell. Tu je, I suppose.
My MBB Mood is bouncing-off-the-walls.
Haha. When I reached school this morning, Hasyim-lookalike was around, to start things off. =D And then while I was sitting with Alfian [ajer, boo to Amy!], MBBK walked past, raised his hand in greeting to Alfian, and smiled at me. I smiled back, and continued smiling even after he'd walked away.
Like on Tuesday when my adorable mechanic smiled at me. He is too, too cute!
Later at the locker he walked past again. This is a great MBB day.
Tak sia-sialah aku bangun pagi even though this lecture was in no way beneficial to me other than seeing Li Tianhu. Haha.
I am bored. And tired. For no apparent reason. Ooh yesterday I finished lab pretty early, by my standards. It was nice to end the last lab session of the academic year on a positive note. Although aku abis at 410, I was still in the first half of the lab that ended. So, props for me! Haha. And special thanks to Clara Toh, whoever she is, whose lab report virtually helped me get perfect grades for my own lab reports. Yay to you.
I logged onto to find that I got a message from this guy who chatted me up outside Momo, some Saturdays back. I was so pleasantly surprised. To know that he still remembers me, etc. Even though all we did was talk, plus I was none too responsive that night.
Yesterday morning there was an annoying white Honda which kept dancing in and out of lanes. He made his debut by sliding from 3 to 1, and continued weaving in and out. I got so annoyed, I waited till he was stuck, then I kilas-ed past. It turned out to be some show-off vik. Amek kau obat.
Ohwell. Tu je, I suppose.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
My Lonerguy Mood is crushed.
My MBB Mood is buoyant.
I fell asleep during 2101 and had a dream. I got an SMS from Lonerguy saying,
"Hey kesiannye tido dalam lecture.. Penat eh? Takpe nanti kiter sit together. -[hisname]"
I hyperventilated for awhile, then proceeded to scream at Alfian, "Hei kau kasi dier number aku? Wooohoo!" Then I woke up.
I have only about an hour of leisure left before I start studying for stats, so let's make it good.
This morning I walked past MBBK while I was sipping the last dregs of my WCL, and I smiled at him, and he smiled back! Yesterday I was riding back from arts and checking out a non-local [i.e. non-Science-based] MBB at the YIH bus stop, and the third MBB rode past. Woohoo!
I'm a little bit of a mess today cos I went out last night for a movie--Stomp the Yard. It's nice. And Chris Brown is cute, of course. Too bad he hadta die.
There was this girl I was kutuking cos she was fixing her makeup for a solid fifteen minutes before entering the movie theatre: "What is she touching up for? I'm sure the movie theatre is not gelap, and people will be checking her out. Unless, of course, she's appearing on the big screen instead of sitting down watching the movie lah. Oh, I know, I bet dier nyanyuk and she thinks she's going clubbing instead of watching a movie--cos you know, both places cam gelap--so that's why she's fixing her makeup."
I am bitchy.
My MBB Mood is buoyant.
I fell asleep during 2101 and had a dream. I got an SMS from Lonerguy saying,
"Hey kesiannye tido dalam lecture.. Penat eh? Takpe nanti kiter sit together. -[hisname]"
I hyperventilated for awhile, then proceeded to scream at Alfian, "Hei kau kasi dier number aku? Wooohoo!" Then I woke up.
I have only about an hour of leisure left before I start studying for stats, so let's make it good.
This morning I walked past MBBK while I was sipping the last dregs of my WCL, and I smiled at him, and he smiled back! Yesterday I was riding back from arts and checking out a non-local [i.e. non-Science-based] MBB at the YIH bus stop, and the third MBB rode past. Woohoo!
I'm a little bit of a mess today cos I went out last night for a movie--Stomp the Yard. It's nice. And Chris Brown is cute, of course. Too bad he hadta die.
There was this girl I was kutuking cos she was fixing her makeup for a solid fifteen minutes before entering the movie theatre: "What is she touching up for? I'm sure the movie theatre is not gelap, and people will be checking her out. Unless, of course, she's appearing on the big screen instead of sitting down watching the movie lah. Oh, I know, I bet dier nyanyuk and she thinks she's going clubbing instead of watching a movie--cos you know, both places cam gelap--so that's why she's fixing her makeup."
I am bitchy.
Monday, March 26, 2007
My Lonerguy Mood today is indifferent.
My MBB Mood today is hopeful.
It decided to rain heavily on my parade this morning. Capping off what has to be the second worst weekend in my life history. A weekend spent doing nothing but sleeping and waking, eating, watching tv, and sleeping again. And I'm not talking restful sleep. It was bingit sleep--like, for lack of things to do, I resorted to sleeping. When I have nothing to do these days, I tend to sit and stare into space and my mind starts working overtime and an overall shitty feeling descends on me.
Well, I did manage to get my labreport done.
And I'm in school safe and sound despite the really-scary rain, so that's something I can thank God for. It's a new week, full of promise, so why let memories of the past week affect the potential of this new week?
Next time I won't bother relying on so-called friends with their so-called plans. [Totally NOT referring to the Breakfast Club. So don't worry.] This Saturday I will isi V-Power and go somewhere I've never been before. Armed with a map, of course.
Isn't it sad how my self-worth is measured by whether I go out on weekends? Isn't it stupid how I get really annoyed when I spend forty-eight hours shut in my own home? Isn't it tragic how I push people away when I need them the most? Isn't it pathetic that I watch consecutive late-night shows just so I won't have to go to sleep?
Well. I digress. This morning, since I was late, drenched and dripping, I easily decided to give lecture a miss [again. Hey it's not my fault it always rains on Mondays.] and went to Spinelli as usual for my regular order. Hasyim-lookalike wasn't there, but I didn't really care. When they were finally done with my drink, the guy said, "It's free." and I dazedly replied, "Huh? Seriously?" He affirmed it. "Are you sure?" Affirmation. "Oh okay, thanks."
Why was it on the house, anyway? Did he see that I badly needed a pick-me-up? Or was he just rewarding me for being a regular customer? Either way, it worked. So thank you. [Not that you'll read this or anything.]
My MBB Mood today is hopeful.
It decided to rain heavily on my parade this morning. Capping off what has to be the second worst weekend in my life history. A weekend spent doing nothing but sleeping and waking, eating, watching tv, and sleeping again. And I'm not talking restful sleep. It was bingit sleep--like, for lack of things to do, I resorted to sleeping. When I have nothing to do these days, I tend to sit and stare into space and my mind starts working overtime and an overall shitty feeling descends on me.
Well, I did manage to get my labreport done.
And I'm in school safe and sound despite the really-scary rain, so that's something I can thank God for. It's a new week, full of promise, so why let memories of the past week affect the potential of this new week?
Next time I won't bother relying on so-called friends with their so-called plans. [Totally NOT referring to the Breakfast Club. So don't worry.] This Saturday I will isi V-Power and go somewhere I've never been before. Armed with a map, of course.
Isn't it sad how my self-worth is measured by whether I go out on weekends? Isn't it stupid how I get really annoyed when I spend forty-eight hours shut in my own home? Isn't it tragic how I push people away when I need them the most? Isn't it pathetic that I watch consecutive late-night shows just so I won't have to go to sleep?
Well. I digress. This morning, since I was late, drenched and dripping, I easily decided to give lecture a miss [again. Hey it's not my fault it always rains on Mondays.] and went to Spinelli as usual for my regular order. Hasyim-lookalike wasn't there, but I didn't really care. When they were finally done with my drink, the guy said, "It's free." and I dazedly replied, "Huh? Seriously?" He affirmed it. "Are you sure?" Affirmation. "Oh okay, thanks."
Why was it on the house, anyway? Did he see that I badly needed a pick-me-up? Or was he just rewarding me for being a regular customer? Either way, it worked. So thank you. [Not that you'll read this or anything.]
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I'm handing in my resignation to the Breakfast Club because the two founding members are always buaying me when I come early. But I'm still gonna attempt to reach school before 730 because I love seeing the sunrise as I'm entering the ECP. This, btw, means that I have to leave the house by 645. Which means either I:
(a) wake up earlier than the 5 a.m. I normally wake up at, or
(b) lincah-lincah siap, or the final and most drastic and therefore I'll never even consider,
(c) skip breakfast. EEK!
This morning Hashim-lookalike a.k.a. Great Eyes is baaack!
I'm gonna join the Breeders' Gang instead.
[Btw, I changed my password to mbbrocks. HAHA.]
My mom ordered Pizza Hut. We usually have 2-35-35-35 delivery about once a fortnight, on average. Yes, that's how privileged I am. Anyway I just wanted to wax lyrical about the Hollywood Beef Pan Pizza, which has the yummiest, bounciest beef balls known to man! Gahahaha. Okay the reason I know they're bouncy is because they kept leaping off the pizza slices and bouncing all over the table, my legs, and the floor. But I digress. It's yummyyyyyyy. And all you have to do is pick off the onions [which are only on the surface, no trouble there] and add some chilli flakes [pasal you know, it's non-spicy].
My room now smells of cupcakes pasal I hung one of my YummyScents in "Frosted Cupcake" over my bed. Haha. Well, I bought like twelve, I had to use them sooner or later right?
Smalam I was pissed pasal after all my anticipation and careful planning, Wally [figure it out] decided NOT to show up for lab! It was the last lab I would have with him, ever. And I wasn't the only one he pissed off. His lab partner was mad too pasal obviously, lack of lab partner. So annoying. It's not like he was here this morning either.
After that I went for an encounter with the TP again. Lord, all these drivers and riders gripe about the TP but I bet half of them never actually had an encounter with them. I had no problems with them myself till my brush with them on Saturday. The ones on the road are bad enough. The ones at HQ are simply indescribable. [But I shall attempt to, anyway.] They placed the greenest, most incompetent ones at the counters to deal with civilians. And all the seasoned ones somewhere in the back recesses. There was this manjen one who was taking down a no-incident report who can't even spell "freelance". But can still hisap bodek with his ma'am. And can still sebok-sebok around my case when he knows squat about it. The superior or whatever he is said some crap to us about "This is a court case" and "You will be charged with abetting.." Look, I know, dude. Tell me something I don't know.
Or maybe I'm just angry at myself, but taking it out on them.
That manjen officer still pisses me off though. I would hate him even if I were riding a Haya and I accidentally knocked him down. Haha. No relevance, I know.
Well. Off to West Coast, I guess.
(a) wake up earlier than the 5 a.m. I normally wake up at, or
(b) lincah-lincah siap, or the final and most drastic and therefore I'll never even consider,
This morning Hashim-lookalike a.k.a. Great Eyes is baaack!
I'm gonna join the Breeders' Gang instead.
[Btw, I changed my password to mbbrocks. HAHA.]
My mom ordered Pizza Hut. We usually have 2-35-35-35 delivery about once a fortnight, on average. Yes, that's how privileged I am. Anyway I just wanted to wax lyrical about the Hollywood Beef Pan Pizza, which has the yummiest, bounciest beef balls known to man! Gahahaha. Okay the reason I know they're bouncy is because they kept leaping off the pizza slices and bouncing all over the table, my legs, and the floor. But I digress. It's yummyyyyyyy. And all you have to do is pick off the onions [which are only on the surface, no trouble there] and add some chilli flakes [pasal you know, it's non-spicy].
My room now smells of cupcakes pasal I hung one of my YummyScents in "Frosted Cupcake" over my bed. Haha. Well, I bought like twelve, I had to use them sooner or later right?
Smalam I was pissed pasal after all my anticipation and careful planning, Wally [figure it out] decided NOT to show up for lab! It was the last lab I would have with him, ever. And I wasn't the only one he pissed off. His lab partner was mad too pasal obviously, lack of lab partner. So annoying. It's not like he was here this morning either.
After that I went for an encounter with the TP again. Lord, all these drivers and riders gripe about the TP but I bet half of them never actually had an encounter with them. I had no problems with them myself till my brush with them on Saturday. The ones on the road are bad enough. The ones at HQ are simply indescribable. [But I shall attempt to, anyway.] They placed the greenest, most incompetent ones at the counters to deal with civilians. And all the seasoned ones somewhere in the back recesses. There was this manjen one who was taking down a no-incident report who can't even spell "freelance". But can still hisap bodek with his ma'am. And can still sebok-sebok around my case when he knows squat about it. The superior or whatever he is said some crap to us about "This is a court case" and "You will be charged with abetting.." Look, I know, dude. Tell me something I don't know.
Or maybe I'm just angry at myself, but taking it out on them.
That manjen officer still pisses me off though. I would hate him even if I were riding a Haya and I accidentally knocked him down. Haha. No relevance, I know.
Well. Off to West Coast, I guess.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"Wah, niari sexy sey.." said Mr. Open-Mic Night.
ANYWAY. Since Amy blogged about a fantastic wedding she attended over the weekend, aku pun tanak kalah ah. My turn.
I attended Amin's officer's tunang in Jurong with him and his firefighters. Some lieutenant dude lah. And wow not only is he tall and segak and handsome, he looks painfully familiar too! Haha. It was just a small-scale celebration la, tikars in the three-room flat and all. My sister's was bigger. But anyway the food was yummy and I was like practically the only non-relative female around. The other firefighters are young, mostly macam my age, and they were so kecoh and funny.
Except when the freshly-tunanged lieutenant dude asked Amin, "Biler kau nyer turn?" I instantly died.
I am cold and I am hungry but I kinda don't wanna waste money on food cos my mom made roti kirai! Haha.
You know another reason I love store? Cos I love the music they play.
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
Please baby don't (baby don't)
You know my history
See honey I (honey I)
I'm just trying to warn you (let me warn you)
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
I've been cruisin down this road for a while now,
I should tell the truth...
Girl you've been so good to me but I know
I'm no good for you
You should run while you can
Find yourself a better man
'Cause I'm known for brief romance
And breakin hearts across the land
Yes I've been known to have a few temptations
Out there on the road
And let's say hypothetically I've slipped and
Took a couple home
Girl I know that's not fair
You need someone who'll be there
So just get away before it's too late
and your pain is too much to bear
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
Please baby don't (baby don't)
You know my history
See honey I (honey I'm)
I'm just trying to warn you (let me warn you)
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
Now on second thought maybe we'll give
This love another try
'Cause I can't see you with no one else
I'm selfish I can't lie
So let's go, let's go slow
You know all you need to know
It could end one day but
Let's just say we'll see how far it goes - John Legend f Sergio Mendes
ANYWAY. Since Amy blogged about a fantastic wedding she attended over the weekend, aku pun tanak kalah ah. My turn.
I attended Amin's officer's tunang in Jurong with him and his firefighters. Some lieutenant dude lah. And wow not only is he tall and segak and handsome, he looks painfully familiar too! Haha. It was just a small-scale celebration la, tikars in the three-room flat and all. My sister's was bigger. But anyway the food was yummy and I was like practically the only non-relative female around. The other firefighters are young, mostly macam my age, and they were so kecoh and funny.
Except when the freshly-tunanged lieutenant dude asked Amin, "Biler kau nyer turn?" I instantly died.
I am cold and I am hungry but I kinda don't wanna waste money on food cos my mom made roti kirai! Haha.
You know another reason I love store? Cos I love the music they play.
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
Please baby don't (baby don't)
You know my history
See honey I (honey I)
I'm just trying to warn you (let me warn you)
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
I've been cruisin down this road for a while now,
I should tell the truth...
Girl you've been so good to me but I know
I'm no good for you
You should run while you can
Find yourself a better man
'Cause I'm known for brief romance
And breakin hearts across the land
Yes I've been known to have a few temptations
Out there on the road
And let's say hypothetically I've slipped and
Took a couple home
Girl I know that's not fair
You need someone who'll be there
So just get away before it's too late
and your pain is too much to bear
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
Please baby don't (baby don't)
You know my history
See honey I (honey I'm)
I'm just trying to warn you (let me warn you)
Please baby don't (baby don't)
Don't fall in love with me
Now on second thought maybe we'll give
This love another try
'Cause I can't see you with no one else
I'm selfish I can't lie
So let's go, let's go slow
You know all you need to know
It could end one day but
Let's just say we'll see how far it goes - John Legend f Sergio Mendes
Monday, March 19, 2007
MBB = Mat Bersih-Bersih
BG = Breeding Ground
PL = Parking Lot
BP = Bait Place [S9 Benches]
I got caught in the rain this morning. It was the latest in a series of unfortunate events that befell me over the weekend.
Siti once asked me, "What was the best day of your life?"
--"The day I got my riding license."
So extrapolate from that and determine what was the worst day of my life.
On another note, this morning it was NOT raining in school. And I got here just in time to see MBB. Who walked past me and Baby, so I smiled and him and he smiled back!!! Haha. Then I was doing labreport at Spinelli's and the other MBB walked past. Yey.
So other than my still-damp jeans, the morning has been going swimmingly.
BG = Breeding Ground
PL = Parking Lot
BP = Bait Place [S9 Benches]
I got caught in the rain this morning. It was the latest in a series of unfortunate events that befell me over the weekend.
Siti once asked me, "What was the best day of your life?"
--"The day I got my riding license."
So extrapolate from that and determine what was the worst day of my life.
On another note, this morning it was NOT raining in school. And I got here just in time to see MBB. Who walked past me and Baby, so I smiled and him and he smiled back!!! Haha. Then I was doing labreport at Spinelli's and the other MBB walked past. Yey.
So other than my still-damp jeans, the morning has been going swimmingly.
Friday, March 16, 2007
It's been a fantastic morning because
- Guy With Great Eyes remembered my order as "Your usual?"
- Atikk talked to SP dude who I've always thought was scary, but actually he's nice,
- I saw MBB at BG while I was at PL,
- I saw MBB outside LT21,
- and I had breakfast with Lonerguy [and friends] and he chose to sit next to me not Alfian! PLUS,
- we saw MBB again, and told Lonerguy about him.
Yesterday I rode home with the hot sun beating down on me, isi-ed minyak at the local Shell, where the attendant pumped minyak for me again, and I borong-ed the 4 for $10 air fresheners. When I reached home, I discovered a stark tanline corresponding to my racerback top. All I can say is, nasib baik I wasn't wearing a tshirt.
Lonerguy is SO cute.
- Guy With Great Eyes remembered my order as "Your usual?"
- Atikk talked to SP dude who I've always thought was scary, but actually he's nice,
- I saw MBB at BG while I was at PL,
- I saw MBB outside LT21,
- and I had breakfast with Lonerguy [and friends] and he chose to sit next to me not Alfian! PLUS,
- we saw MBB again, and told Lonerguy about him.
Yesterday I rode home with the hot sun beating down on me, isi-ed minyak at the local Shell, where the attendant pumped minyak for me again, and I borong-ed the 4 for $10 air fresheners. When I reached home, I discovered a stark tanline corresponding to my racerback top. All I can say is, nasib baik I wasn't wearing a tshirt.
Lonerguy is SO cute.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Going off to West Coast in awhile. Lepas stats tutorial nak balik pasal mata dah takleh angks.
This morning MBB-Imitation was there. He is so adorable. Finally I can admit it. Haha.
Smalam at the Bukit Merah bike shops, we bumped into Awun. :) I can safely say I did not embarrass myself this time.
The second part of 2102 test was alright. I really think Li Tianhu is the cutest, best lecturer ever. Haha.
Anyway. These were from, I think.
This morning MBB-Imitation was there. He is so adorable. Finally I can admit it. Haha.
Smalam at the Bukit Merah bike shops, we bumped into Awun. :) I can safely say I did not embarrass myself this time.
The second part of 2102 test was alright. I really think Li Tianhu is the cutest, best lecturer ever. Haha.
Anyway. These were from, I think.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
So I sat down at the terminal next to his, stuck out my tongue at him because he said the seat was taken, and continued talking to Atikk on the phone: "Yeah so I'll see you tomorrow.."
"Ah besok.. Gi tengok movie issit..?" he sampuked.
"Tak, gi pangking!" I snapped back.
Ain, Ain. Kau betul carik pasal.
A shoutout of congratulations to Atikk for you-know-what. Haha.
Alah, kau cutelah Lonerguy.
[Zul--from MySpace--messaged me on Hi5 saying some shit about how he's sorry for disappearing from my life these past coupla months, and for being mean when I attempted to contact him. Said he was having some relationship problems or whatever shit. And asked me to forgive him. But it's never that easy, is it?]
"Ah besok.. Gi tengok movie issit..?" he sampuked.
"Tak, gi pangking!" I snapped back.
Ain, Ain. Kau betul carik pasal.
A shoutout of congratulations to Atikk for you-know-what. Haha.
Alah, kau cutelah Lonerguy.
[Zul--from MySpace--messaged me on Hi5 saying some shit about how he's sorry for disappearing from my life these past coupla months, and for being mean when I attempted to contact him. Said he was having some relationship problems or whatever shit. And asked me to forgive him. But it's never that easy, is it?]
Monday, March 12, 2007
Photos first!!!
Part of the Swissotel Stamford series.


Some random bike parked at West Coast Mac's. Cool or gaudy? I couldn't quite decide, but I liked the "2Slow2Serious" sticker.

Powerhouse was pretty fun on Wednesday, despite the raid. The bottles of Fantasy in the ladies' might have had something to do with it.

NOT my son. Haha. But if I ever had one, I'd want him to be as cute.

I don't go online on weekends cos I'm either out working, out partying, out merayaping, or out studying. So when Monday rolls around I forget what I was supposed to do online.
The test was pretty great, I thought. I felt very proud of myself for having to ask him a clarification question on the 4J thing. I couldn't do the IR one worth fifteen, but the rest seemed okay.
Look, I'm just proud of myself, okay? Academics have been pretty much slipping, so you know, little things. And I got thirteen out of a possible twenty for the 2101 quiz. Next up is the Spectro-Inorg one on Thursday. Also labreports and assorted tutorials, including one later today.
Momo on Saturday was alright. I tried something new and wore shorts instead. Dapat jugak snare one horny guy who wanted to send me home, haha. I declined, of course. The boyfriend was in the house. Not quite wasted, but I really wish some people didn't have to drink to lose their inhibitions to dance. I love that Momo has loads of lockers, and there are like 72047092 legal parking spaces around.
It's weird though, I still feel that the best time I have when clubbing is the time I spend alone.
Yesterday night there was a dead cat on the road. EEEEEEE.
Yes well, I think that would be it for now.
Part of the Swissotel Stamford series.
Some random bike parked at West Coast Mac's. Cool or gaudy? I couldn't quite decide, but I liked the "2Slow2Serious" sticker.
Powerhouse was pretty fun on Wednesday, despite the raid. The bottles of Fantasy in the ladies' might have had something to do with it.
NOT my son. Haha. But if I ever had one, I'd want him to be as cute.
I don't go online on weekends cos I'm either out working, out partying, out merayaping, or out studying. So when Monday rolls around I forget what I was supposed to do online.
The test was pretty great, I thought. I felt very proud of myself for having to ask him a clarification question on the 4J thing. I couldn't do the IR one worth fifteen, but the rest seemed okay.
Look, I'm just proud of myself, okay? Academics have been pretty much slipping, so you know, little things. And I got thirteen out of a possible twenty for the 2101 quiz. Next up is the Spectro-Inorg one on Thursday. Also labreports and assorted tutorials, including one later today.
Momo on Saturday was alright. I tried something new and wore shorts instead. Dapat jugak snare one horny guy who wanted to send me home, haha. I declined, of course. The boyfriend was in the house. Not quite wasted, but I really wish some people didn't have to drink to lose their inhibitions to dance. I love that Momo has loads of lockers, and there are like 72047092 legal parking spaces around.
It's weird though, I still feel that the best time I have when clubbing is the time I spend alone.
Yesterday night there was a dead cat on the road. EEEEEEE.
Yes well, I think that would be it for now.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Work on Tuesday.
Witnessed accident on Wednesday in the right lane just as I zoomed past. I was shaking for the next five exits. After that was St. James with Az and Aliyah. There was a raid! Haha.
Thursday was mostly resting, one hour of tutorial, and more rest at home. Ey but I bought a new pair of shorts. Amy MMSed me in the morning with updates on Lonerguy. From Nat's blog:

But he didn't turn up for organic anyway. :(
And I am now a regular at Spinelli's, despite Nat's complaints on the overextracted shots. The guy with the great eyes is cute, and the other malay dude is cute too. And I love my white chocolate latte. Yum.
Witnessed accident on Wednesday in the right lane just as I zoomed past. I was shaking for the next five exits. After that was St. James with Az and Aliyah. There was a raid! Haha.
Thursday was mostly resting, one hour of tutorial, and more rest at home. Ey but I bought a new pair of shorts. Amy MMSed me in the morning with updates on Lonerguy. From Nat's blog:

But he didn't turn up for organic anyway. :(
And I am now a regular at Spinelli's, despite Nat's complaints on the overextracted shots. The guy with the great eyes is cute, and the other malay dude is cute too. And I love my white chocolate latte. Yum.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Forgot to gush about Allan Wu. Alfian and I were at West Coast Mac's yesterday, studying--or trying to, anyway--for organic, and there happened to be a photoshoot, so the models were using the Mac's toilet. Now, at first aku tak heran, while Alfian couldn't take his eyes off the girl. But then the guy model walked in, all buff and tanned and just very hot, and I nearly died. And it turned out to be Allan Wu!!!
Needless to say, not much studying got done.
Anyway they were finally done, so he was like walking away, then I realised he was holding a helmet. So I said, "Alfian asal dier bawak helmet? Does he actually ride?" [The photoshoot centred on two big bikes, apparently.] And Alfian replied, "Ntah.. Kiter gi tengok ah, mana tahu dier park sebelah kau!"
[When we got there earlier, I'd parked next to a big Honda, which I wasn't really paying attention to.]
At first I was like, "Alah tanak ah, I'm sure he's taking the car. Anyway, aku malu!" But Alfian said, "Aku nak gi tengok, do you want to come or not?" so I followed him.
I followed him, just in time to see Allan Wu, seated on the bike parked next to mine, riding away. I nearly died. He rides! Totally laaa! I parked next to him! Double totally laaaa!
Okay that would be it, I think.
I finished lab report and now I'm going to work! Yay!
Needless to say, not much studying got done.
Anyway they were finally done, so he was like walking away, then I realised he was holding a helmet. So I said, "Alfian asal dier bawak helmet? Does he actually ride?" [The photoshoot centred on two big bikes, apparently.] And Alfian replied, "Ntah.. Kiter gi tengok ah, mana tahu dier park sebelah kau!"
[When we got there earlier, I'd parked next to a big Honda, which I wasn't really paying attention to.]
At first I was like, "Alah tanak ah, I'm sure he's taking the car. Anyway, aku malu!" But Alfian said, "Aku nak gi tengok, do you want to come or not?" so I followed him.
I followed him, just in time to see Allan Wu, seated on the bike parked next to mine, riding away. I nearly died. He rides! Totally laaa! I parked next to him! Double totally laaaa!
Okay that would be it, I think.
I finished lab report and now I'm going to work! Yay!
I found a photo of us on Az's friendster that was originally from So now I'm hooked on surfing photos from that site, just in case ada muka aku. HAHA.
I'm really supposed to be doing labreport, actually.
Yest I went home right after test. Unfortch, there was the grandmother of all jams at the AYE(ECP) entry. So I thought I'd be smart and take CTE instead. I was wrong. There was a jam in the tunnel too! And you know, jam in the tunnel is 4926593 times worse, because it's hot. Anyway I got home in one piece, you'll be glad to know, and went to sleep shortly after maghrib.
Yet, I still fell asleep in lecture.
It's been a good morning so far because there was army guy, lonerguy, and of course, glimpses of MBBs.
I'm really supposed to be doing labreport, actually.
Yest I went home right after test. Unfortch, there was the grandmother of all jams at the AYE(ECP) entry. So I thought I'd be smart and take CTE instead. I was wrong. There was a jam in the tunnel too! And you know, jam in the tunnel is 4926593 times worse, because it's hot. Anyway I got home in one piece, you'll be glad to know, and went to sleep shortly after maghrib.
Yet, I still fell asleep in lecture.
It's been a good morning so far because there was army guy, lonerguy, and of course, glimpses of MBBs.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Quick update before I rejoin Amy at the bait-place. [No, it's not a place where you buy fishing supplies.]
Been busy working and going out with Amin. Haha. Yes, I haven't done much in the way of homework or studying. On Wednesday Naz called to apologise: "Masih marah lagi?" Thursday was work, Friday was spent with my baby and Daddy. I had mechanic's hands for two days after that cos the dirt and grime got irreversibly lodged under my nails and on my palms.
Saturday was more work, and Swissotel Stamford with Naz, Siti, Marina and Adina [argh I still don't know how to spell it!]. Sixty-first floor! It was amazing. I could have stood out there on the balcony forever, watching the toy cars moving on the road, and all the pretty lights. But it was cold, and I was wearing shorts. And as much as I love my cameraphone, it didn't really take such great photos this time. Nothing that could have done that sight justice.
And Sunday I drove down to Amin's place for a sickbed visit. Okay he wasn't that sick la, haha. Dah lama tak drive, it was nice, singing along to Imran Ajmain and looking out for bikes. Everything was just fine and dandy till I reached home, and decided to reverse into one of the spaces. Despite having a back sensor, and having lived there for the past 14 years of my life, I reversed into a pole and scratched the paintwork.
I will never get the car again.
I might as well peel off that sticker on my license and throw it away.
Sorry, I'm just sad. And angry at myself. If only we could turn back time.
Well. It's too cold. I'm off.
Been busy working and going out with Amin. Haha. Yes, I haven't done much in the way of homework or studying. On Wednesday Naz called to apologise: "Masih marah lagi?" Thursday was work, Friday was spent with my baby and Daddy. I had mechanic's hands for two days after that cos the dirt and grime got irreversibly lodged under my nails and on my palms.
Saturday was more work, and Swissotel Stamford with Naz, Siti, Marina and Adina [argh I still don't know how to spell it!]. Sixty-first floor! It was amazing. I could have stood out there on the balcony forever, watching the toy cars moving on the road, and all the pretty lights. But it was cold, and I was wearing shorts. And as much as I love my cameraphone, it didn't really take such great photos this time. Nothing that could have done that sight justice.
And Sunday I drove down to Amin's place for a sickbed visit. Okay he wasn't that sick la, haha. Dah lama tak drive, it was nice, singing along to Imran Ajmain and looking out for bikes. Everything was just fine and dandy till I reached home, and decided to reverse into one of the spaces. Despite having a back sensor, and having lived there for the past 14 years of my life, I reversed into a pole and scratched the paintwork.
I will never get the car again.
I might as well peel off that sticker on my license and throw it away.
Sorry, I'm just sad. And angry at myself. If only we could turn back time.
Well. It's too cold. I'm off.
Bye bye Studio 1!
In 2018, I was heading to Zumba class when I saw "The Brass Barre" printed on the directory of the same building. Immediately in...
